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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Worst.Socialist.Ever, etc.

(The Rachel Maddow Fan Page, Facebook)

This is almost funny.  Actually I do find myself smiling as I think of how many Teapublicans wouldn't get this—They'd be nodding in agreement, "Yeah, that's right!"  Leave it to us "elitist intellectuals" to share wit beyond "real Americans'" comprehension.


So, corporate profits are up 60% and yet corporations continue to sit on their cash.  Of course they're opposed to using some of their windfall profits to raise the minimum wage.   (Walmart is asking for donations from shoppers to help their needy sales associates during the holidays.  How about paying them a living wage?)

The middle class is shrinking, as too many Americans continue striving to reach economic viability and stability.  Income inequality is growing by the minute.  A significant increase in the minimum wage would be a start at making it at least possible for workers to meet their basic needs; still, it wouldn't fix income inequality.   Nevertheless, let's at least raise the minimum wage and make a start—ASAP!  President Obama has suggested taking it to $10.10 per hour.  I'd vote for that.


Things That Keep Me Up At Night:


The number one issue, as I see it, is the environmental crisis.   For too long the evidence has been staggering:  Time is running out to clean up our act—literally.  Yep, this truth is more than inconvenient.  It's a loud call to immediate action.  So, what was Congress focused on as the biggest storm ever to hit land devastated the Philippines—and "devastated" is an understatement?   Eighty tornadoes, some with winds up to 200 mph, leveled whole neighborhoods, multiple towns, in the Midwest.  In mid-November!  Combine these with the other recent tornadoes of record intensity that have wrecked homes, businesses, and lives— enough to get our elected representatives' attention.   Then there's the World Health Organization's warning about air quality and disease, along with all the scientists saying action must be taken immediately or it will be impossible to slow down the destruction.  The ice caps melting, sea levels rising.  Reasons enough?


Bless all the environmental groups who work tirelessly to save our sick planet.  Sadly, they can't match the financial backing that polluters (like the Koch brothers) and their lobbyists have.  Instead of stopping major polluters in their tracks, Congress rewards them.  Example:  Subsidies for a thriving oil industry that needs no subsidizing (as the Republican Congress cuts food stamps for the hungry).  Members of Congress don't dare provoke the ire of their campaign financiers.  The poor and middle class don't have lobbyists.  What can we do but raise our voices and put pressure on the Legislative and Administrative branches of government to get on it!  Our environment will not heal without a lot of help, and there's no evidence that it's likely to become a priority in D.C. any time soon—even though it's almost too late.



It makes me furious to hear over and over again that the ACA unsuccessful web site launch is "Obama's Katrina."  Excuse me?  The web site failures have not happed out of willful neglect. No one has lost life or home because of it; whereas, for decades American lives have been lost for lack of adequate health care.  The web site launch was flawed, but the ACA is not a failure.  I'm also sick of hearing that the President "lied" in saying that people who like their insurance policy could keep it.  He couldn't know, for sure, how the insurance companies would handle the new standards. Certainly didn't expect them to send out cancellation letters.   I'd say the President's statement would be more fairly characterized as "misspeaking."   Did you hear the same level of media buzz when President George W. Bush appeared on the aircraft carrier to declare "Mission accomplished" in Iraq, nearly a decade before the "mission" was actually "accomplished."  How about when President George H.W. Bush said he would not raise taxes. Period.   He said "Read my lips.  No more taxes."  Remember?  


I've reached my tolerance limit when it comes to the disrespect and obstruction directed at President Obama and his programs.  The refusal to confirm his appointees.  The dogged Republicans' determination to derail the ACA.  So you might find me more reactive than usual.  I've had it with the Teapublicans and the right-wing media.  Some of the mainstream media, too, at this point.


Speaking of the ACA, here's a video for you:



Yet another bullying incident that involved a firearm and a temper tantrum—followed by an eerily calm CYA call to 9-1-1.   That call reminds us that George Zimmerman knows how to work the legal system to his advantage.   He has been charged with aggravated assault in the most recent domestic incident with his girlfriend.  Zimmerman's estranged wife had a restraining order issued after a similar incident.  Sadly Travyon Martin wasn't able to get a restraining order for this angry bully.  Zimmerman's behavior patterns have been consistent.  Why does this man continue to have guns in his possession?!  How can our system allow for that? 


Zimmerman  took the teenager's life and tried to turn Martin into the villain.  Tried and obviously succeeded with the jury and segments of our populace whose bias led them to believe Zimmerman.    May justice yet prevail in the death of young Travyon Martin.


Tendonitis is reminding me that I've rambled too long today—not to mention ignoring the laundry and a dozen other "to do's" in the process.  Thank you for reading the long posts. I am ever grateful for your presence at Lucy Left and for your presence in the world.  


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