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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Salute to Labor

South Carolina— the place where I was born and now live—is a right-to-work state.  Current Governor Nikki Haley (R) defends that status with pride.  What "right to work" means is that workers have the "right" to often-poor working environments and low wages, without a voice that could be heard through the process of collective bargaining.  It means owners/managers have all the power.  They're the only voice in workplace.  I hope to see that change in my lifetime.



 The first Monday in September is the national holiday when we honor the Labor Movement.  It's a time for appreciation, celebration and a rest from labor.  Let's enjoy the day and remember those who fought for child labor laws and continue to fight for workers' rights and so much more.  Every day.


 Feeling grateful to America's unions today!