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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Low-Bar Limbaugh

Among members of the right-wing media, there's little interest in advancing accurate reporting.  That's an ongoing source of annoyance to me.  Radio and TV talkers casually ignore facts as they promote their manufactured Obama outrage du jour.   The right-wing recipe is to mix a very small portion of truth in with their outrageous distortions.  The distortions are crafted to trigger fear in their loyal, trusting demographic.  It's the not-so-new normal.  In fact, we've grown accustomed to their propaganda masquerading as news, haven't we?  Their listeners and viewers take everything they hear from these sources as the truth—either because they're gullible or because what's being said fits their personal bias.


 But some of the talkers have gone beyond the low-bar limits on decency.  It's beyond disgusting.  Remember Limbaugh bellowing about law student Sandra Fluke after she testified at a Senate Hearing?  Limbaugh declared she was a "slut" and a "prostitute" who wanted taxpayers to pay her to have sex.   Ms. Fluke simply had advocated that contraception be covered by insurance; in part of her testimony she cited a friend's ovarian cysts that required treatment with prescriptive birth control.


I don't think this bright young woman sued Rush Limbaugh or the radio stations that permit  him to pollute our airwaves.  And they are our airwaves.   A number of sponsors jumped ship on Limbaugh after that, but still he seems to thrive.  I don't recall hearing that any stations dropped his show, but I hope I just missed that news.


Now the buffoon is trivializing rape.  Comparing the Senate filibuster rule change to rape.  I'll insert a link to Allen Clifton's post over at Forward Progressives.  He'll fill you in.  Maybe it's time to start a call-write-petition campaign to get Limbaugh, disgusting blow-hard that he is, off our air!

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