Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook

WELCOME! Good to have you here.

You have power. Use it wisely. Make it matter.

At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.

Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

He's In!

It's official!  Join the Sheheen campaign and help return South Carolina to a sane, sound and more compassionate place to live and work.  With Governor Vincent Sheheen at the helm and Ginny Deerin as Secretary of State at the Budget and Control Board table, we'll be on our way to a better South Carolina.  A friend posted on Facebook that, for every anti-Sheheen ad he sees, he will send a contribution to the Sheheen campaign.  Great idea.   Let's be on fire for this election and see that it's won.  Let's do whatever it takes to elect Sheheen, Deerin and other good Democrats/progressives to bring transformation to the Palmetto State.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wanted: A Higher State of Consciousness

Still not up to much thoughtful writing, but I'm grateful for the wonderful like-minded memes and cartoons that come through Facebook.  Visit some of them when you can and enjoy their cleverness!


This is far too true and certainly worthy of reflection—don't you think?


(Greenpeace Africa via Upworthy/FB)


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Belly Laugh

Thanks to Democratic Memes/Facebook for this image.  Visit them!

Did not think I could laugh out loud today, but this did it! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

From Green to Blue

As we're going green for St. Patrick's Day, I'm thinking blue.  Turning South Carolina blue, that is.  And the South Carolina Democratic Women's Council, under the savvy and energetic leadership of Susan Smith, is determined to reach that goal! 


The second annual "Day in Blue" is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, at the State House in Columbia.  The day begins with a 10 a.m. press conference in the Lobby where Democratic candidates will offer a vision for a better South Carolina followed by an introduction of the group in the House Chamber.  At 11, advocacy workshops begin.  The day is rich with opportunities to learn about political action committee involvement in campaigns, fundraising myths and realities, and the importance of recruiting and engaging enthusiastic volunteers.  Also, back by popular demand is Jay Parmley's presentation on "elevator speech messaging."


There will be legislative updates, and Council president Susan Smith says, "If you've ever thought of running for office and didn't know where to begin, our Day in Blue panelists will provide the answers you seek. "


If you've gone from disheartened to appalled and outraged by the way  things are going in South Carolina—under Republican throw-back consciousness and chaos— joining the South Carolina Democratic Women's Council is an excellent way to be a part of changing the equation.  We won't turn blue by standing still and holding our will take all of us taking an active part in making it happen!  

For information about joining the Council or questions about the Day in Blue, contact Susan Smith ( or Amie Haynes (   Now is the time to step up!



Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy St. Pat's!

Lucy Left is still mostly absent from the blog, spending time with Mama who will be 90 on Friday, March 21.  Please say a prayer or send positive thoughts to her—Mary Martin in Columbia, SC—recovering from a partial hip replacement and broken shoulder while grieving the recent death of her son.  A heavy load.  She's an amazing woman though and already doing a little physical therapy at an NHC facility.

Be well, dear Lefites,  and have a Happy St. Patrick's...and if you have a blind date, I feel sure it has to turn out better than this one.   I'll be back!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Pie in the Face...

I've missed being here, missed you all.  My dear liberal brother passed away last week.  The night he died my mother (who will be 90 in two weeks) fell and broke her hip and shoulder.  Hard seeing her suffer.  She's doing much better this week, out of hospital and in a rehabilitation facility.  

This image on Facebook inspired me to come back tonight.  Couldn't resist sharing it with you.

I'll be back on a more regular basis as soon as I can.  Meanwhile, keep the faith...and let's keep our ears to the ground.   There's so much work to be done!