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Monday, November 18, 2013

Moms Are Getting It Done!

IT'S WORKING: Last week, members of Moms Demand Action made the case for gun sense at a Staples in Arlington, VA, and the manager agreed: He will put up signs saying no guns are allowed in his store!

But not every Staples bans guns. Please go into your local store and ask the manager to go gun free. Help bring gun sense to a Staples near you: It's easy!


* * * * * * *

This is the way to stem the tide of growing gun violence.  Moms Demand Action has the potential to grow stronger than the NRA.  Every person who would like to shop and enjoy food or beverages in public places without worrying about a gun-toter with anger issues—every parent or grandparent concerned about all the children being killed by guns in our country—any person anywhere who wants to make a positive difference in our world:  Join Moms Demand Action.  Donate what you can, be it time or money.  This is the group that can loosen the grip of the NRA—on our elected representatives, on our culture, and on our daily lives.


Remember when DUI was "just" an accepted part of American life?  It was Mothers Against Drunk Driving who finally turned that around.  And Moms Demand Action is every bit as organized, passionate and determined.  They will prevail.  We will prevail.  If you're not already on board, please join today!

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