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Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Reality of Ruthlessness

Yes, President Obama is guilty.  Of being such a decent human being that he underestimates the ruthlessness of those seeking to wreck his programs and his Presidency.  I don't think our President fully understands that Republicans and their campaign benefactors will stop at nothing to defeat him.  Sometimes a person with strong principles believes other human beings also have principles.


I like to believe the best about people, and I do— until someone shows me they're operating with a different set of "rules" than I am.  Until they have lied or betrayed me.  Then it's "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me."  It's my fervent hope that our President can hang on to his strength of character while seeing clearly what his opponents are capable of.  They truly are ruthless.  


My head might explode if one more time I hear the GOP talking point that we need to "start over" with the ACA; that we need to have "Republicans at the table this time"  Republicans were invited to the table throughout the legislative process.  There were times they were invited and refused come, just to snub the President—and when GOP leaders were willing to talk, the Dems made more concessions than I wish they had.  Congressional Republicans consider compromise a weakness, rather than as a major factor in a functioning democracy.  Maybe that's why ours is barely functioning now.


Here's an Upworthy video with Independent Senator Bernie Sanders (whom I greatly admire) talking with Chris Hayes on the subject:


If I had my way, there would be Administration surrogates saturating the media now, talking about individuals whose lives are already positively impacted by the ACA.  Talking about how the new law goes a long way in reforming the health insurance industry, giving consumers significant protections from insurers' greed for the first time.  Republicans have never, ever offered a plan to correct this tremendous problem in our country—the drain on the economy,  the consumer abuse. The disgrace of being the only industrialized nation that has allowed too many of our people to go without adequate health care. 


If I were the president, I'd have a highly skilled contingent from the intelligence community looking into possible sabotage of the ACA web site.  With the millions spent to ensure that the new law fails, how big a stretch is it to consider this:  Money might have gone into making sure the web site wasn't working, that it was so bad the law is "scrapped"—to use Speaker Boehner's wishful word.  In my view, Republicans and their mega-million funders are ruthless.  They regularly hit a "new low" in words and deeds when it comes to undermining every effort undertaken by this President.


Mr. President, other good men have seen their popularity wane; please keep the faith as you accept the reality of ruthlessness.   Remember that you're up against people with a decency deficiency.  There's an obvious lack of ethics, morals, and conscience among your enemies.  And, seriously, I hope you'll check into every possibility as you seek answers to what went wrong with the web site and why.  I'm beginning to think sabotage is more likely than not.


  1. Lucinda, this is one of your best ever. Legions of us feel exactly like this, but you put it into words - and beautifully. I'm so lucky to be friends with such a brilliant woman!

  2. Thank you so much for the generous words, my friend. I get much of my inspiration from you! The good fortune is mine.
