Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Two Tea Parties

There's a mind-boggling thing about the Tea Party —besides the mean-spirited, obstructionist agenda:  It's the myth—manufactured, financed, and perpetuated by mega-money Republicans like the Koch brothers— that this is an organic "grassroots movement."  It's also hard to imagine TP loyalists haven't looked more carefully into the organization's birth, given interest they've shown in President Obama's.  Maybe it can be chalked up to denial; they want to believe theirs is a noble effort of "the people"— rather than acknowledging that they're pawns of  the mega-wealthy people standing between them and what they might call "freedom."


(Image from Teanderthal Party via Living Blue in South Carolina/Facebook)


The Civil Rights Movement, the March on Washington—in 1963 and on Saturday, 50 years later—and Occupy Wall Street are examples of "grassroots" movements.  Successful Tea Party candidates now find themselves in Congress and in various state and local government positions.  They've been responsible for a hefty share of the Washington "gridlock" and some shamefully regressive legislation.  They seem excited about the prospect of "shutting down the government" this fall.  Irresponsible.  Crazy.


A more intelligent worldview (call me elitist now; I'll write you a thank-you note) coupled with an agenda that serves the best interests of all Americans would go a long way toward legitimizing them.  But they have a long way to go, and I'm just ready for them to go away.

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