Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Affordable Health Care

Here's a followup to recent comments on last-ditch efforts to see that "Obamacare" fails.  It's happening through a campaign to discourage the uninsured from enrolling in the program.  Die-hard opponents are using misinformation about the Affordable Care Act; in fact, there's big money behind the plan to derail health care that will benefit so many Americans, extend the life of Medicare and reduce the deficit Republicans have been so obsessed about.  Why would they want to spend a small fortune see it fail?  Because they know that, once in place with all the wrinkles ironed out, it will be popular with Americans, just like Social Security and Medicare are  now.   Hard to believe that these two programs, so significant to seniors and their families, were "suspect" and maligned in much the same way Affordable Health Care is today.   


[This came through my Facebook feed and sorry I can't read the upper left corner to give attribution.]    I always tell "Obamacare" naysayers that I'd rather have the government "standing between my doctor and me" than an insurance company.  The government isn't motivated by greed.    And of course they're not going to "stand between" doctor and patient.


Let's encourage anyone who has doubts or questions to visit to get the facts—and to enroll in a plan for health insurance coverage.  We can also remind naysayers of the "7 facts" below. 

(Image from Living Blue in Texas/Facebook)

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