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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tolerant Gun Safety Advocates

(from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.)

PHILADELPHIA MOMS WON'T BACK DOWN: At one of our Mother's Day events last weekend, gun violence victims spoke about the need for background checks to help save lives; meanwhile protestors jeered and held signs that read “Hands Off My Guns,” “Stop Fascism,” and “My Right. My Freedom” with a picture of an assault rifle:


Glad the finger in the face isn't a gun.  Yet.  Whatever happened to basic manners?  Respecting one's elders—at least enough to keep one's finger out of an older woman's (or anyone's) face. Of course at the Mother's Day Parade in New Orleans, 19 people were wounded by gunfire.  Maybe the worst thing from that is how we're beginning to shrug off these events—"nobody was killed" after all.  Mercy.  


As of last week 71 children had been killed by guns—since the Newtown massacre.  That exceeds the annual total number of gun deaths in some countries.

Slate is partnering with @GunDeaths on Twitter for an interactive, crowd-sourced tally of the toll firearms have taken since Dec. 14.  Check it out. in



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