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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hope for the Palmetto State

I'm feeling hopeful about my home state for the first time in a long time.  South Carolina has pretty much gone to hell in that handbasket we've heard so much about.  The natural beauty of our State remains.  My love for it remains.  But I have no respect for the governmental leadership in Columbia.   We've had a state treasurer and agriculture commissioner go to jail and a governor who was fined $74,000 for a record number of ethics violations.  And those are just some of the widely publicized things.  It would be impossible (and dull reading) to enumerate all the deplorable decisions they've made, all the bad legislation that's been proposed and even passed in some cases.   It's enough to make a South Carolinian feel hopeless, don't you think?  


So, why is it I'm feeling hopeful now?  Vincent Sheheen.   First of all, who he is gives me reason to hope.  When I say "who he is" I'm not talking about his family, even though there's a strong legacy of honorable public service associated with the Sheheens.  I'm talking about this authentic man.  This extremely bright, energetic, down-to-earth, and unselfconscious man whose easy self-confidence is laced with a gracious humility.  He's absolutely comfortable with who he is.  He has been serving in the Senate, and he ran a good race for governor and lost last go around; if he's not jaded by now, he's not likely to be.


 (Thanks to Elizabeth Montgomery for this photo.)

If you know me or read Dancing on Mars, you know what a high value I place on authenticity.  Believe me, I know it when I see it.  I can feel it.  I can hear it.  And I had the pleasure of hearing this authentic man,—South Carolina's reason to HOPE—on Monday evening.  Susan Smith, a determined activist and leader of  South Carolina Democratic Women,  invited Sheheen to meet with the Waccamaw Neck Democrats at Pawleys Island.  What a great crowd—meaning size and the caliber of interested, active people in attendance.  People, like me, who have been disheartened about the way things have been going in our State.  I liked what he had to say and the way he said it—very comfortably, without notes.  It was as if he were in a one on one conversation rather than making a speech.  No notes.   Whether speaking or talking and listening, he clearly was enjoying himself.  By the way,  he's an excellent listener.


Vincent Sheheen is ready to be our Governor.  He was defeated by a narrow margin in the race with Nikki Haley in 2010—and don't you know a lot of people wish they'd voted for him when they had the chance?  He has written a book,  The Right Way - Getting the Palmetto State Back on Track.  I've read about a third of it so far and am more than a little impressed.   First, it's beautifully written, clear and easy to follow.  He offers some rich history, a civics lesson and, best of all, his ideas for getting this State back to where we should be. 


Ohhhh, yeah, there's good reason to feel hopeful.   But our "Hope" needs our help.  Get involved in the Sheheen campaign.  Send him a vote of confidence with a contribution.  I'll be involved; you know he's good if I've already broken my campaign sabbatical vow!  Even if you're not from South Carolina, you're welcome to help.  The only people I can imagine having a reason to oppose him would be comedy show hosts.  Vincent Sheheen has a great sense of humor, but he's no joke.   Come on 2014!


  1. Voted for him last time and will gladly do it again! He IS the real deal to this moderate non-partisan's way of thinking.

  2. Lucy Left, you have written an excellent bio about a man who also impressed my husband, Ian, and myself and a man whom we definitely want to be our next governor. We are onboard the campaign train with you and look forward to a wonderful win in 2014. Goffinet McLaren
