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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Morning After

(from Facebook via Mike Furlough)

No, I haven't been off hiking for the past few days.  Just busy contacting people in S.C.'s 1st Congressional District and people who know people who vote there.  I probably insulted some friends and relatives in following up more than once to be sure they were voting.  Forgive my zeal, please.


Elizabeth Colbert Busch was a fine candidate.  She and her team ran an admirable campaign.  I have no doubt she would have made significant contributions in the Congress.  I know she would have stood up for all the people in the 1st District and for South Carolina. The loss is the district's and our state's.


Heartsick though I am,  I'm also a little relieved for Elizabeth today.  She can go back to her real life and probably live more deeply with far less stress.  I have little doubt she will be happier.  She might not know that yet.  After such intense work, giving the race all you've got, it takes a while to reclaim equilibrium.  That reality applies to the candidate as well as staff, and passionate volunteers.  We're all busy today second guessing and wondering how the hell that margin was as big as it was.  I wondered whether the voting machines will be examined.  Seriously.


Although I wasn't officially or directly involved with the campaign, I have been a passionate supporter.   From my perspective, I don't believe there's anything the Busch campaign could have done better.  When I mentioned my shock over the vote margin last night, a friend reminded me that the Republican legislature redrew the districts; the deck is stacked their way.  Bigtime.  I knew that, but wasn't thinking of it at the moment the AP declared Sanford the winner.  Or I should say "the victor." 


It's chilling to know that so many voters were willing to send Mark Sanford back to Washington.   Yep, my home state will continue to be a punch line.  No doubt about it.  


Thank you, Elizabeth Colbert Busch, for running the good race.  Your fans are wishing you the very best—starting with some sleep!   Later, who knows?  Whatever your path, you will find other ways to shine your light.  Carry on!

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