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Monday, May 27, 2013

Dancing on Mars

This is a political blog, created to talk about issues, politics,  causes and activism. Ways the progressive/Liberal point of view can make our crazy world a little better.   However, some Lucy Lefters have asked about my book, Dancing on Mars,  and I'm happy to share "the particulars" as my grandmother used to say.  (Now I'm channeling Joe Biden, God love him.  You know I love him.)

Dancing on Mars is a genre-bender—mostly lively memoir, combined with what some generous, candid women told me about living a married or single lifestyle.  This helped answer a question I'd been mulling over for quite a while: Whether partnered or married women are "happier" than those living solo.  There's a spiritual journey that takes me off the "road most traveled" and "notes from a recovering Victorian."  Some original poems are sprinkled throughout, strategically placed to amplify the prose.  I've been happily surprised by the response to the poems; I'd been a little skittish about including them.  I treated some heavy subjects with a light touch made possible by humor.  You have to have a finely-honed sense of humor to be a Democrat and thrive in SC, right?


 Although it's been called "Everywoman's book," some wise men have enjoyed it, said it made them laugh—and cry; there are a couple of favorable reviews written by men.  In fact, if you'd like to see what people are saying, you're more than welcome to check out the reviews at Amazon.  Last time I looked, there were a number of generous ones, only one unfavorable.  A cranky Republican? 


I'm realizing, as I write this, that the book isn't really a misfit for Lucy Left.  Actually it tells about a small-town Southern girl's initiation into politics at age six—meeting mill shifts and handing out cards at the polls.   There's also insider perspective on what it's really like to work as Senate committee staff.  And then the FBI "sting."  So, it's political, too!  The title? Yep, it's explained in the book. 


 (The cover is from a photo of a painting I did.  Photo looks much better than the painting!)



In attempting to link the reviews here, I found it impossible without also opening my personal page there.  So sorry.   Still, if you have time and inclination,  I hope you'll go to and look for Dancing on Mars by Lucinda Shirley.  The reviews should be there.   It's available in paperback as well as Kindle, and the audio book was just released. (I've been asked whether I'm the reader.   I'm not.)   It's also available for Nook at Barnes & Noble.

Thank you for indulging me in this shameless plug.  If you read it, let me know what you think.  I can take it—even though I have a Liberal's soft heart.

1 comment:

  1. I loved 'Dancing On Mars' and I love Lucinda's bog: Lucy Left although I must immediately point out that you do not have to kick with the left foot in order to enjoy the book. To me the book was more about everyday experiences. Rare is the person who grows up, graduates from college, marries the right spouse, has successful children and lives happily ever after. No, most people experience all sorts of problems and life tortures.
    While reading 'Dancing on Mars' I was reminded so clearly of all my own growing up tortures: Did I really feel this or that way about certain things? Did I experience self doubts? Did I give enough consideration to this or that choice? Why were so many trivialities so important at different times? As Lucinda so clearly defines, "Our view of ourselves changes with maturity." This is so true whether married or single. I made my own mistakes in the marriage arena marrying twice before I got it right! However, the one area of my life about which I never had any doubt was my political affiliation---I am a demoocrat and proud to shout it to the world.
