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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sick of Ebola?

I'm doing it again—talking back to TV.  About the Ebola coverage.  Especially when they talk about fear spreading like wildfire in America.  As if the media isn't fanning the flames—after serving as fire starter!   Watching Republicans react to the President's effort to educate and calm irrational fears has been entertaining, especially with the heavy cloud of hypocrisy hanging over them.  They complain about not having a consistent message from the Administration, having too many spokespersons.  Of course the appropriate "point person" on Ebola would be the Surgeon General of the United States—but Republicans blocked President Obama's Surgeon General nominee along with any other person or program he has proposed.  Their worn-thin strategy continues to be destruction by obstruction.   AND of course his opponents have gone wild with accusing the President of lagging in his response to Ebola.  Check out this from Occupy Democrats:

Then GOP lawmakers called for someone to lead the "fight" against Ebola and contain the (media-manufactured) panic in the populace.  So, do you think President Obama's appointment of a so-called Ebola "czar" was met with Republicans'  (a) enthusiasm  (b) relief  (c)  criticism.   Yep, "c" for criticism.  There have been far more hateful attacks on the President...One right-wing talker even said President Obama cares about Africa, not America.  He's one of "them" not "us."  When I see clips of fact-free, reason-deficient and hate-filled tirades, it sickens me to think how many Americans tune into these sources daily for their "news."   Trusting the peddlers who pass off snake oil for news is  like opting to ingest poison.  A form of poison that allows the body to live but is sure to damage the brain,  tax the spirit, and keep the "news" consumer in a constant state of anxiety, anger, and agitation.


Republicans continue to carry on about instituting a travel ban (against all advice from infectious disease specialists) and some have managed to link Ebola to "border problems."  That could be the most absurd insult to reason of this election season.  it's not over yet!


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