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Sunday, October 19, 2014

In Case You Missed It

By now you've probably either seen or heard about South Carolina's recent gubernatorial debate.  I was behind on that and happy to see someone call out current Governor Nikki Haley on a debate statement that begged for closer examination.  I'll post a video link to Melissa Harris Perry's take on the Confederate flag at the end of the post. 

But first:  Haley says she talks to CEO's quite a bit, and they haven't complained about the Confederate flag flying on the State House grounds in Columbia.  What does that tell us?  It just confirms that Haley's attention and allegiance is to the corporate/business world--and the mostly men who run that world.   Who influence her world.  Her thinking, her focus and her actions.  Most of us voters don't fit in that category.  I keep hearing Vincent Sheheen doesn't stand a great chance of winning the governor's race next month, but I'm not giving up.  I implore you to vote for him.  Get out and vote! I can't imagine any reason I won't be voting the straight Democratic ticket.  And it will give me great satisfaction to vote and then be prompted by the machine to confirm that vote.  It's almost like getting to vote twice!

Here's MHP's "letter" to Governor Haley:

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