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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wanted: More Activists!

I've been shamefully delinquent about posting recently.  I'll be back, probably not daily, but more regularly, at least.   Don't give up on me, dear Lefties.


Some miscellaneous observations, beginning with the Maryland mall shooting today:  Three people were killed.  Press briefing at 4.  Cable news is saying the shootings didn't appear to be random; someone's commenting that it's sad we're growing so accustomed to news of shooting sprees in public spaces that we are somewhat comforted when more people aren't killed or that shootings aren't random.  Yep, these incidents are far too familiar, and I guess we take comfort wherever we can find it.  (I used the word "incident" as I'm thinking these happenings are not incidental.)  My friend Elizabeth has followed gun violence, accidental and intended, ever since Sandy Hook; she often posts links to articles about the shootings on Facebook.  It has been jaw-dropping to see all the posts— about "responsible gun owners" who have shot a child or someone who came to the door asking for help; in some instances, the gun-toters accidentally shoot themselves!


Yesterday there were shootings at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, SC as the ink dries on a brand new law allowing South Carolinians to take guns into bars and restaurants.   Booze and firearms—always a great idea, right?  O.M.G.  Friends and I agree there's no way we'd consider gun ownership.  We'll also be thinking twice before going out to dinner at some of our favorite restaurants.  It makes me sick that the NRA—and some of their constituents— are responsible for terrorizing us Americans.  There are far too many gun bullies out there, and they're far less concerned about their second amendment rights than about in-your-face control.   They're probably affecting more of us than any foreign terrorists. (Thanks to Elizabeth for giving me food for thought on the "control" motivation.)


Elizabeth is one of my heroes, visiting local restaurants and talking to owners about the new law.   I'm happy to report that already several owners have agreed to post signs letting their customers know firearms aren't welcome in their establishments.  Elizabeth isn't looking for praise, and she's  definitely not looking for something to occupy her time.  She's a busy educator who pours her best self into her work.  And yet she makes time to do all she can for gun sense.


Check with Moms Demand Action—South Carolina (Facebook) about the signs if you're in South Carolina and willing to be a part of making gun sense.  And wherever you are, be sure to join Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.  The voices of those who care about firearm safety can be as powerful as the NRA.   We only need to join and support Moms Demand Action, an organization that's making a positive difference already.


Well, my first random thought turned into a full post.   It feels good to be here with you again.   But now I want to learn more about yesterday's shootings at S. C. State.   Hoping against hope no one was killed.  



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