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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post-Election Thoughts

"All the Dems in Congress are commies" Allen West is out; the Tea Party craziness experienced a sharp decline.  Cooperation and compromise have a chance of coming back to the legislative process.  Extremism lost.  Hate and vitriol lost.   Hopefully we'll see and hear less of both in the days ahead.  Maybe civility will reappear in the the halls of Congress.  Maybe peace is possible.


Thank God for Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown , Tim Kaine, Bernie Sanders, Tammy Baldwin, Tammy Duckworth and the others who will serve in the next Senate.  The Supreme Court is safe.  Environmental regulations won't be scrapped. Sanity rules. Theocracy-creep and denigration of women has been rejected (although we need to be vigilant in seeing that it doesn't creep back in). 


Democracy won; obscene amounts of money couldn't buy certain races.  The people claimed their power, found their voice. The Republican Senate candidate in CT spent ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS and lost. A good night for women. A good night for America and the world. All this from someone who doesn't agree with every decision the President makes; he's a moderate Dem, no matter the myth created by opposition forces. Our President is a good man, a smart and reasonable leader who has reached out to those with different views and was constantly accused of never doing that. I'm extremely proud of who he is and proud to be an American Liberal this good morning. God bless the world; America is deeply blessed already!


Let's rest today, savor this beautiful win and prepare to move forward!


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