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Friday, November 9, 2012

Early Morning Thoughts

There are things money can't buy.  I wonder how much of a shock that was to Sheldon Adelson, the Koch brothers, Carl Rove and their Super Pac donors the night of November 7.  

In this Presidential election and in certain Senate races where billions of dollars were "invested" by super-wealthy men, Democracy won out.  The American people won.  These powerful men must have wondered Wednesday morning how it turned out that they won't own this country, after all.

Our voices were strong.  And they will continue to be strong if we keep speaking up, letting our representatives—including the President—hear our voices in the coming days. E-mails, phone calls, letters to editors will help ensure that proposed policies represent the will of the majority, not just on election day but at every turn.

The People decided this election, not corporate wealth.  No matter what the Supreme Court said, we know corporations are not people. 


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