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Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Morning After

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America says, "Today, we are all Trayvon Martin's mother."


I asked on Facebook how we can begin to change the fear/hate in this country.  A friend I admire for her principles and her activism said, " I don't think we can change the fear/hate. 80 million moms need to take a stand and say ENOUGH! That is all it would take. That is all that has ever needed to happen. Too many moms too busy doing something else."  If you're reading this and haven't connected with this organization, please consider doing that.  It's one way to move toward 80 million moms saying ENOUGH. 


In all the commentary during and after the Zimmerman trial, Joy Ann Reid of The Grio has been a voice of reason, knowledge and clear perspective I've listened to carefully.  She said today that the defense, in their post-verdict press conference, were "spiking the football."  She speculated (on "UP" at MSNBC) that defense attorney O'Mara's post-trial interview and comments to the media at various points in the trial laid the groundwork for tainting the jury pool for a civil trial.  I couldn't understand why he welcomed all the exposure at such a time, unless it was to boost his own career, but Joy's theory makes sense.   Last night O'Mara was speaking, making me feel far worse, when I powered off the TV and took my sad self to bed.


 This morning I read a good column by Isaac Bailey at The Sun News and left a comment after seeing one accusing him of race-baiting.   Mr Bailey is right:  Acquittal doesn't mean innocence.


Just switched channels to ABC's "This Week" and their reporter from Sanford was saying the jury arrived at acquittal based on facts, not race.   I wonder how he reached that conclusion?  Then, in a grave voice, he addressed the question of whether the community was still on "high alert."   The speculation about "riots" and being on "high alert" just adds insult to injury—adds to the myth of "dangerous black people."  Be afraid.  Be very afraid is the underlying message the "race whisperers" perpetuate.  Thank God Tavis Smiley is on the panel and eloquently laying race on the table. 


A thought from Facebook this morning:  The danger of acquittal was not more riots but more George Zimmermans.   Yep.


  1. As usual, you're writing what I'm thinking! Power on- I'll be reading - whatever you write - even though I don't always comment. Psst hey you other readers - give LL a comment!
    - Sue Willis

  2. Many thanks, Sue, for such a "heartening" comment!
