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At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.

Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hard Facts About Gun Deaths in America

Stats from New England Journal of Medicine posted on FB by Flock the NRA.


The number of deaths from gun violence is staggering.  And yet it's so prevalent that news media and news consumers aren't "plugged in."  Ho Hum.  The news ain't sexy.  It doesn't sell products.  The NRA is "too powerful."  We've visited and revisited the gun issue here, and we're far from done with it.  


"Using the most recent CDC estimates for yearly deaths by guns in the United States, it is likely that as of today, 6/20/2013, roughly 15,687 people have died from guns in the United States since the Newtown shootings."  (  Suicides apparently make up about 60% of gun deaths and they aren't usually included in the estimates!  See the details at Slate.


Reminder:  Slate partners with @GunDeaths for an interactive, crowd-sourced tally of the toll firearms have taken since Dec. 14.  Find it here:


Let's keep sharing the numbers and other gun-violence related info; let's continue to speak up in conversations about guns.  On the gun issue we especially need to Speak our truth even if our voices shake. 


Stay passionate and carry on!

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