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Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Observations

Thanks to Mother Jones for yesterday's coverage of this Supreme Court salute to corporate dominion over small business.   Dear God, please give President Obama another appointment to the "high court" before his term ends.  And could we get another Dem in the White House when he's gone?    There's a lot of heavy repair work to be done—still.   Been waiting all week to hear the Court's ruling on marriage equality, voting rights, and affirmative action.  Maybe today.  Or next week.


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I'm declaring myself strong and resilient enough to venture into the cauldron of conservatism that is South Carolina again today.    Everywhere I turned yesterday, signs of the radical right  got to me.  Actual signs.  And then there were the stark reminders of the poverty that permeates our state and nation.  And a governor who does all she can to see that the poor can't get a break.


Signs and reminders:  A decal on a car's rear window in praise of the "glock" and" fire power."  Same car had a SC license tag I'd never seen, declaring "I Believe" with three crosses so everybody knows what they "believe."  Of course I'm an advocate of self-expression and religious freedom.   I'm just weary of blatant efforts to separate ourselves from each other.   I'm  guilty of labeling myself in ways that separate me from others when I slip into a lower state of consciousness.    Another bumper said, "I don't believe the liberal media"(What "liberal media"?!)   I finally stopped counting cars holding onto the memory of  McCain-Palin '08.


The last man I allowed myself to see with a backpack—going where, I wondered, on a day about to get hotter—brought the sting of tears along with feelings of guilt, shame and helplessness.   I have friends who devote their working lives to making life better for our fellow humans who are homeless.   These friends have helped many people transition into places they can call home.  But, even with all they do,  what they do is never enough.  There's no way it can be.  My hat's off to them for staying in the ring fighting this sad reality. 


These observations are not the way I intended to usher in Summer Solstice. And not even a nod to the Super Moon that will shine down on us mortals tomorrow.   Like the people with the misguided bumper stickers, I needed to express myself exactly as I did.  I'll call it what it is:  I needed to vent.  Thank you for your tolerance.  We'll celebrate summer a bit later.   In a more cheerful way.  Promise.   Meanwhile I wish you all lots of "hot fun in the summertime" starting right now:  One. . . two. . . three . . . GO!

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