Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook

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Friday, September 25, 2015

My #2 Sweetheart

He might have been my #1 at one time, but I figured he might be hard-to-get.  Can't help lovin' Pope Francis though!  Did you note the structure of his visit?  How he puts out his strong message to Congress and the American people, moves on to do the same to world leaders at the UN, goes to the site of  the horrendous 9/11 to show what "killing one another" means.  How he says his piece, hits all the right notes with great tenderness and clarity—and without scolding?   At the UN I heard him say to all delegates:  "I love each of you from my heart."  And you just know he means it.  Did you hear him asking the crowd, stretched far beyond the White House, to please pray for him...and asking those who might not be "believers" to send him good wishes?  He was recognizing that not all humans share his belief...and yet he sees and hears them, too. Does not exclude them from his good will.  

This made me laugh when I saw it on Facebook.

(This image from The Everlasting GOP Stoppers on FB)

Surely people who experienced any part of the Pope's visit must have felt great respect for this gentle, open-hearted man.  So many reasons to appreciate him and what he's all about.  Leaning out of the FIAT as far as possible to get close to the people.  Requesting to go to the 9/11 Memorial  when it wasn't on his original demanding schedule (added to schedule before he arrived in the US); there, after what would have been an exhausting day for a far younger man on Red Bull,  this 78-year-old— with one lung and a bad hip—talked with 20 survivors, spending a brief time with each of them.  Yes, I think most Americans were charmed and warmed by the Pope's visit.  Of course there were some critics (thought hard for me to imagine).  And they were, from all I can gather, Republicans or hard right wingers.  Naysayers to climate change...and most anything else.  In the address to the joint session of Congress,  he talked (along with the climate crisis in our "common home" and peace) about the sanctity of all lives; that's when Republican eyes lighted up.  When His Holiness moved almost immediately to abolishing the death penalty, they got a little twitchy.  

(Meme GOP)

Thought I'd leave you smiling with that meme.  Have a wondrous weekend!

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