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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

U. S. Credit Rating in Jeopardy

No surprise but definitely a big concern:  Fitch has now placed the U.S. on a rating downgrade watch.  That means we could lose our AAA credit rating.  The people who started this mess still don't seem to understand the magnitude of the negative consequences of not only defaulting, but coming so close to defaulting.  On the debt Congress racked up!   We think we've experienced a recession?  If this continues, these tough times, which have started looking brighter, will seem like "the good ole days."


Any Tea Party member, fan, or Republican House Speaker who happens to be reading Lucy Left right now  (thought I'd give you all a belly laugh, Lefties) might give this some serious thought and take action to avoid a self-induced catastrophe.  Immediate action. I understand Boeher is afraid of losing his speakership.  He's one weak character.  I keep wondering if I could think any less of  him than I do now.


Earlier today the Speaker announced the House would vote this afternoon to reopen the government and also to avoid default.  Apparently the Heritage Foundation was against it, and Boehner withdrew the bill!  Just heard someone say that Heritage has effectively "strapped dynamite on the bridge to reconciliation."  Yep.



  1. Wow, you are so correct. Can Boehner get any worse. Wish he'd admit failure and go home. Can't believe his home state (is it Ohio?) hasn't called him back.

  2. DESPICABLE Jim Demint(ed) resigns his Senate seat and tries to control House and Senate. GUILTY of breaking anti-lobbying rules and of so much more!! As I type, there's finally a deal - but will not breathe easy until it's finalized. Don't trust any of them farther than I could throw them - Southern saying my Mama taught me!
    -Sue in Goose Creek SC

  3. Really thought that Boehner would have shown some BA@#s much earlier - he gets NO credit from me now. Lily-livered is my assessment of him that does not use cusswords! Fortunately, I was able to distract myself for the past few days to finalize taxes for us and for my mother-in-law. Keeping my husband calm so he would NOT move our retirement $ and the little his Mama has left to the proverbial under the mattress spot has also kept me busy!
    Let's all hope this is the start of something new in our country - both parties working together for the betterment of our country. A girl's gotta have dreams!
    more from Chatty Sue in GC, SC
