Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Honoring Labor Today

(Other 98% via my Facebook Feed)

Thinking this morning of the fast-food workers and their one-day strikes for fair wages.  The parent companies of these fast-food entities are making record profits.  Those at the top continue to rake it in while the workers who make the profits possible often hold down more than one job and in need of our taxpayer dollars for food subsistence themselves.  I have no problem with my tax dollars going to people who are struggling; however, when these people should be paid a living wage by companies that can well afford to do that and won't, it's shameful.  Let's hear it for the Labor Movement which continues to be demonized beyond recognition by the Right.  


Thanks to DC Jobs With Justice for this image— companies with hefty profit margins refusing to pay their employees a living wage:

My hope on Labor Day 2013 is that the minimum wage will be raised before year's end.  Nobody can live—much less support a family— on $7.25 an hour.  No human who works full time should be condemned to a life of poverty.  Justice, please!

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