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Friday, April 12, 2013

Right to Privacy? Get Outta Here!

So, I'm watching Andrea Mitchell Reports to see whether the North Korean kid has launched a missile today.  (It's masochistic to watch TV at mealtime, isn't it?)   No missile launch, but I did catch a few minutes of Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R - Utah) opining on the horrors of a government-operated gun registry.   He went from the "second amendment rights" schtick to the right to privacy.  Are you with me?  The right to freaking privacy.  


Let me get something straight:  The majority of Republicans in Congress today, in catering to their extremist base,  haven't shown much interest in that particular right.  The privacy one.  Neither have Republicans in a variety of state legislatures.  They keep introducing bills to violate the privacy of women on a regular basis.   You know,  limiting access to abortions, making it impossible for women's clinics to operate in certain states, myriad attempts to de-fund Planned Parenthood and so many other creative measures to deny women their right to privacy.  


Wouldn't you love to witness some good journalist (Rachel comes to mind) asking the anti-choice Goobers a YES or NO question and accepting only a one-word response?  It would be,  "Do you see mandating that a transvaginal probe be inserted into a woman's vagina as a violation of the right to privacy?"   Yes? or No?   In my fantasy a really annoying buzzer would zzzzzzzz if the responder uses more than the one word.  Maybe the wordy responder would receive a mild electrical shock, like the dog collar thing.  Hmmmm.  No, it wouldn't hurt.  Well, not as much as a transvaginal probe.


Stay tuned.  Maybe Rachel will read this and go for it.   Meanwhile, let's see whether this gun registry thing becomes a "right to privacy issue" across the Republican board.  If so, they'd better be very careful.  Warning:  "Taking that stance could be hazardous to your political career. "    Truth be told,  I sort of hope they go that route.  It might be just the thing to put the grownups back in charge of the House next year.


  1. Excellent - I like it when you're wound up! This is from me, Debbie T., but I can't figure out what profile to select below, so I picked anon.
