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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tonight, tonight . . . .

Well, this is a big day for us political geeks.  Today is like Christmas for me, with our Prez playing Santa, bringing us the State of the Union message. The media is hyped, too, what with both expectations for the President’s speech and the Pope’s abdication. News Nirvana.

 I just heard that Speaker Boehner told reporters the President “doesn’t have the guts” to stand up to his own Party when it comes to spending cuts.  When asked whether he stands by that statement, the Speaker affirmed that he does.  Oh, and by the way,  North Korea has launched a “miniaturized” nuclear warhead; such a warhead, regular size, could reach the U.S.  Those news nuggets and Ted Nugent’s craziness all under the big top—dome— tonight.  It’s speculated that the President will have something to say about the North Korean launch tonight.

Reflecting on the hateful things Nugent has said about the President (hoping no doubt to revive a dying career), I’m also wondering whether one of my own Congressmen can resist shouting out “You lie!” at some point.  After all, Joe Wilson was happy as a hog in slop with all the media attention he got last time.  He raised a truckload of money when he acted out, too.  An embarrassment to us blue dots in this red state.

Then there will be guests who are survivors of gun violence.  The list includes the mother of the fifteen-year-old honor student from Chicago who was shot shortly after she participated in the Inaugural Parade.   This devastated mother will be sitting with the First Lady.   Some families of Sandy Hook victims will be there, victims of colossal grief themselves.  And you know what?  I’m offended that these grieving humans are being called “props” by gun safety opponents.  I’m disappointed in the slice of humanity that forgets its humanness, ignoring or trivializing the deaths of so many innocents, and focusing instead on correcting gun safety advocates on any errors in firearms vocabulary. 

I believe President Obama will give us all a lot to ponder tonight.  And I believe he will manage—even with all the sadness, fear and turmoil in our world— to inspire us.  That is, those of us who are open to inspiration.   And hope.  

You can bet Speaker Boehner's comment will have him fired up and ready to go!