Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Jubilation - Our President's Got Plans!

On Wednesday I posted the following comment on Facebook, just after the President's speech outlining proposals for new gun safety measures: 

I've always respected President Obama, and never been prouder of him than I am today. If you missed what he just had to say about reducing gun violence in our country, do yourself a favor and find it online. Please watch and listen. Then contact your Congress members to ask for their support on the new safety proposals soon to come before them. No matter what our political affiliations or absence thereof, we're all in this together. Let's be united on this critical issue. Please.


Because this issue has left a hole in my heart and most human hearts, I counted the number of "Likes"—and I took the comments to heart, as well.  Only one responder didn't agree with the President's and the Biden Task Force's recommendations.  They're taking big steps to bring greater safety to our culture of ever-growing gun violence.  Here's one of the comments affirming the President's plans and my comments: 

This is the perfect sentiment, and I agree 100%! Will be contacting our reps today.


And here's what a relative of mine had to say.  

Yes please take my guns rights, a good law abiding citizen, meanwhile knowingly let AK-47's into Mexican Drug cartels which have been linked with hundreds of deaths.  


I didn't want to crank up a debate on Facebook; I do that here at Lucy Left.  But I was tempted to say that since he's a good, law-abiding citizen  he surely can pass the universal background check.  And he shouldn't worry:  The Prez will take his guns but, with the founding fathers and the 2nd Amendment in mind,  he will be sure to give this young man a musket for his empty arsenal.  I'm assuming he must have more than a hunting rifle.  In fact, I don't think he hunts.  Not sure about that though.


Please contact your Congressional delegation, too.  And if they're not supporting the President on these measures, ask why not.  Why not?!


 Thanks to those who shared this; they're listed on the clever message/Rottenecards.



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