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Thursday, December 6, 2012

DeMint Will Depart

One less demented extremist in the U. S. Senate.  Of course my home state isn't likely to be much better represented since Governor Nikki Haley will be naming his replacement.  But that's not forever and I'm hopeful—I have to be— that ultimately we can elect a reasonable, bright progressive.  I have my favorite possibility, but it's too early to speculate on a progressive candidate,  woman OR man at this point.


Joan Walsh (, one of my favorite political pundits, said that DeMint's presence will "strip the patina off the Heritage Foundation." They like to think of themselves as a "think tank" when, in reality, it's more of a talking points tank.  And with DeMint,  Heritage is politicizing the Foundation more than before.  Far more.


Walsh also commented on the appalling failure of a disabilities resolution yesterday.  It was defeated by Republicans—in the face of the revered former Senator Bob Dole who was on the Senate floor in his wheelchair asking fellow Republicans to support the resolution.  Ms. Walsh said Senate Republicans reached a new low yesterday, and indeed they did.  Every time we think they can't get more heartless, more outrageous, they manage to stoop lower still (connecting this resolution, irrationally, to an idea that home-schoolers might be dictated to  if it passed.  Really nuts. What parallel universe—?)  

I continue to suggest this:  If you happen to know any rational Republicans, thank them, be nice, say a prayer for them.  They're a vanishing breed.


Would you pony up some support for a progressive Senate candidate in South Carolina in the next election?  Let me know!  (No, I'm not planning to run, but I'm hoping we'll have a candidate willing to turn this Senate seat blue, if only for that one election—and maybe longer!  And I'll turn blue from speaking out on behalf of  that candidate, whoever she or he might be.

Get on that Heritage payroll ASAP and collect your cool million.  Here's my wish for your plan to steer the far right even farther right:  I hope you accomplish as much there as you did in the Senate.  Bye-bye!


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