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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The First Lady

I can't remember a First Lady connecting more deeply with people of all ages, life experience, gender, and ethnicity.  She's the real deal, and the audience knew it.   Her words last night at the Democratic Convention offered us a heartfelt, passionately-delivered incentive to vote and work for Barack Obama's second term.  She shared an intimate portrait of our President and their lives together, reminding us of their backgrounds and values.  If anyone at home on the couch was undecided about  a Presidential candidate, I'll bet they decided to ensure Michelle Obama has four more years to shine her light on us all.  Amazing woman, breathtaking speech by our unassuming, brilliant rock star.  How did we get so lucky?   I'll post a video link later today.

A FB post rom one of my favorite teacher-writers, Joan Borysenko. I couldn't agree more!
"Michelle Obama is a remarkable woman. Her speech was so authentically revelatory of the characters of the first couple. It was humbling to watch her and an affirmation of the potential good of all people- a good that she and Barack naturally evoke. That "meta-political" agenda- the evocation of human potential- has my vote. Cultivating the field of human goodness is crucial to the health of our nation. From it stems radical creativity for the benefit of the whole. That is real change. It comes from all of us!"

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