Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook
WELCOME! Good to have you here.
You have power. Use it wisely. Make it matter.
At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.
Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Aloha, Mr. President
(CBS News/Facebook)
You deserve this break, Mr. President. One day—when the naysayer, obstructionist Teapublicans are not rewriting reality—it will be known that you took precious little time off during what I believe will be seen as one of the most challenging presidencies in history.
Enjoy your holidays! (I know you're working in Hawaii, too. Never a real day off. Nice change of scene though....)
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Truth Be Told
(Sumter County Dems/FB)
Weary of the hearing criticism about our President having a vacation? You're not alone! Here are some facts about presidential vacation times past.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Christmas Season Post
(posted by Witty Liberal/FB)
Hoping Santa found a way around the crazy obstruction and filled your stocking. With all the Republicans coming to Congress next month, we all might get lumps of coal next year!
I've missed being here and hope to be back again soon. Meanwhile, let's keep the faith and keep informed, Lefties. We have our work cut out for us after the holidays.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Dear Lefties
Just noticed that several of my more recent posts are missing! Loyal visitors, please know that I haven't deleted them. One was "Autopsy" after the mid-terms...and a couple of others, at least. A mystery I might pursue with Blogspot/Google when I have more time.
I Wonder
(Image from BlueNationReview.com)
Tonight we'll hear some details from the Prez on his upcoming executive action on immigration. Republicans are now threatening impeachment and even jail time, I hear. My, my... too many uptight white males in the GOP leadership, eh?
You and I know President Obama has explored and confirmed the legality of his actions with other constitutional experts. Still, this might get very interesting very soon. Stay tuned.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Do Mid-Terms Matter?
So-called Independents and rational Republicans—and Dems who didn't vote last week, please take note. The new Senate majority is already planning the regulations rollbacks. Many and various, no doubt. Mitch McConnell said his top priority is to "get the EPA reined in." So much for being able to count on reasonable safeguards on water, food, air....everything environmental.
Mid-terms matter A lot.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
I Agree
I agree. So many accomplishments to campaign on...and yet the fear won out with too many candidates. Separating themselves from this President didn't work, did it?
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Thursday Morning Thoughts
A friend shared something to savor and share from Liberal America this morning. Here's a link. http://www.liberalamerica.org/2014/11/05/my-republican-dad-emailed-me-this-morning-this-is-my-response/
I listened to the President's press conference in the car yesterday, imagining President Bush trying to respond to 3 and 4-part questions of varying complexity. Before that, I had heard Mitch McConnell's press conference. Interesting change of attitude? with Senator McConnell. From his words and tone, it would be hard to believe his goal for six years has been to defeat any and all legislation proposed—or favored—by this President. Later, I heard the President sounding as if he believes Senator McConnell will work with him. Wouldn't it be loverly?
Must share Robert Arial's work today:
It will be interesting to hear how Friday's lunch meeting between the President and Congressional leadership goes. Sounds like the President is determined to go forward with his Executive Order on immigration. McConnell had said that would "poison the well" and be "waving a red flag in front of a bull." Hopefully, they will have a productive discussion on the subject, come up with a reasonable plan of action, and a avoid a "bull" fight. Time will tell.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
I just read a Bold Progressives assessment of yesterday's elections. Their conclusions resonated with me. It led me to think about how often I've pointed a finger at elected officials generally, and Republicans in particular, for their courage deficiency. Now the same can be said for some Democrats who have been running away from their good President and from the very principles that make us Democrats fight for the highest good of ALL Americans. I was proud of two Democratic women who ran for office here in South Carolina. They worked hard, articulated their visions clearly and ran honorable campaigns. In one instance, her opponent pulled dirty tricks at the last minute, misinformation (lies) that didn't allow time for correcting. The old Lee Atwater strategy. Neither of my candidates won—yet both were successful. South Carolina Democratic Women's Council worked hard all year; sadly, election outcomes didn't reflect their dedicated efforts.
In the national elections, it seems there was also a major lapse in communicating with the average voter. Too many voters weren't reminded of the huge gains this Administration has made in restoring a fast-collapsing economy; in getting health care for so many uninsured Americans; defending voting rights and marriage equality. Civil rights. Everyone's rights.
I wonder how many "independent" voters, or people who didn't vote yesterday, were aware of the consequences of a Republican majority in the U. S. Senate. A Senate led by Mitch McConnell. They weren't told that a senator who declares regularly that global climate change is a "hoax" will rule the committee overseeing the environment. We can anticipate weakened or repealed regulations very soon. Environmental gains will be set back decades. We can no longer count on the protection of banking and consumer finance regulations. Sadly, our economy and our personal finances are likely to feel this change. And there's so much more. Keep your fingers crossed for Social Security and Medicare. It's doubtful any Administration appointments will be approved, thus leaving a vacuum in some agencies. Good luck if there's a Supreme Court vacancy.
More states will have Republican governors, many of whom will agree with signing off on legislative actions to limit women's access to reproductive health, including birth control in some instances. Gay rights—all civil rights— are likely to suffer in those states.
Republicans are famous for ranting about government inefficiency and advocating "shrinking the government. " Legislatively, they'll now have carte blanc to ensure their fabricated complaints become truth. They'll do that by cutting funding and failing to approve appointments of qualified leaders for various agencies. (Funding case in point: Republicans refused funding increases for American embassies, then blamed the Administration because there wasn't more protection in place. Do average voters connect the dots there and realize it takes money to hire employees?! Do they know Congress is responsible for approving budgets? I don't think Democrats made that point effectively enough in the media. And I think it's time for a nationwide civics course.
The Bold Progressives analysis: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/dear-democratic-party-make-mistake-republicans-didnt-win-lost/
Now seems like a good time for deep reflection, dear Lefties. Mixed with the mourning And then we will move on, assess and repair what needs fixing. A lingering question: How do we infuse our Democratic candidates and elected officials with enough courage to BE Democrats. To be proud, bold Liberals again?
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Vote In Your Best Interest, Women!
Betty says it so I won't. But I agree. I allow for the fact that many people don't keep up with legislative/congressional voting records. Or watch Sunday morning political shows. Or C-Span. Or read a variety of news and commentary. I know: I'm a total geek. But they still need to know that Republicans are no friends to women. They'd like to take us back decades. Vote for Democrats! Hurry!
(Posted on Facebook)
Voted Yet?
Notice it's the person on the LEFT who voted. I hope there's a whole lot of that going on today!
(posted by the Coffee Party/Facebook)
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Voters: Remember the Republican Mindset
Do we want the Republican mindset and philosophy driving public policy that affects our daily lives? Unless you're a very wealthy human, the Republican agenda—whether national, state or local—cares nothing about your student loans, hungry children, or Medicare for our most vulnerable citizens. They talk a good game about Veterans' benefits and then cast votes that don't reflect that claim. They want to privatize everything (case in point, Social Security) and ruin it as they have the prison system. They loathe collective bargaining (unions) because it gives working people a fighting chance to earn a decent living; Republican supporters and lawmakers are far more concerned about their stockholders and board members' making big profits than helping out a homeless person or supporting good public schools for all children, regardless of their parents' income. Most not only do not want to raise the minimum wage, but many in the GOP would like to repeal it!
The party of the Koch brothers and Dick Cheney claim to favor smaller government, less "government interference." But all the while GOP lawmakers maneuver like mad in state legislatures and in the halls of Congress to limit women's access to reproductive health care. Remember the Republican-proposed, government-mandated vaginal probe requirement? They're beginning to see the Affordable Care Act's positive impact on most Americans who now have insurance coverage, regardless of pre-existing conditions. So, mostly they've stopped squawking about repealing the law. They're currently focused on suppressing traditionally progressive votes wherever possible. In some instances, a return to the Jim Crow mentality, blaming non-existent "voter fraud." Their dirty trick robo calls will continue to contaminate our voice mails until the polls close Tuesday. So we have our work cut out for us, dear Liberals.
(David Horsey via Daily Kos/Facebook)
I know most of you don't need reminding of these things— but too many voters who don't realize they're voting against their own best interests. Some of those low-info voters just might stumble on this site and think twice about how they vote on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, we need not only to vote, but also to contact friends, colleagues, and any family members inclined to vote for progressive candidates. So many forget or minimize the importance of voting in mid-terms. Let's not let that happen on November 4. We can offer to drive someone(s) to the polls. Make some calls; send messages. Turnout is critical for Progressives/Liberals!
This Lefty won't post tomorrow and possibly not on Election Day. Instead, I'll be networking, hoping to help in some small way with voter turnout. Join me in getting every smart voter you can to the polls. We don't want to face Wednesday knowing we could have, should have, done more.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Halloween Fright
This makes me sicker than gorging on Halloween candy ever has. How about you? The thought of these guys "owning" our country, increasing their influence through big-bucks at a time—creatively, to be sure—is creepy 364 other days of the year, too.
Let's turn it around on Tuesday! VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS. You'll be doing yourself and the Country a big favor.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Trick or Treat?
Don't be tricked into staying away from the polls on Election Day. Let's treat ourselves to good Democrats on every level of Government. I treated myself to voting a straight Democratic ticket.
(Thanks to Kaye Lingle Koonce for posting this on Facebook.)
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Christie Needs a Rest from Governing!
Monday, October 20, 2014
(Image from Living Blue in South Carolina posted on FB)
Tonight I'm honoring in my thoughts all those who understand that a person who has no home is first, and foremost, a person. Not primarily a homeless person. We share all the same emotions, trials, joys—how can we ignore them? How can we be fearful of "them?" Maybe because we're thinking of the people without homes as "other."
Consider pausing to speak to someone who looks a little world weary...walking along with his or her hump of a backpack...figuring out the next place he or she might "be" for a while without being asked to move along. But do it only if you recognize the person is your equal...with positive traits and negative. Flesh and blood like you and me. Shadow and light, just like the rest of us. Only without the shell we human turtles call "home."
I'm coming across as preachy and getting on my own nerves here. Some of these words are for me as much as for anyone who might read them. I tell myself I care about the horror of homelessness. What have I done lately to make the plight of homeless humans any better? I have volunteered at shelters and served on a board at one of them. But that was a long time ago, and I received as much from the people there as I gave to them.
My small contributions back then are nothing compared to the work of people who devote themselves to eradicating homelessness. Who spend exhausting days and evenings working for whatever nonprofit they represent, endlessly striving to convince the community that homeless people are not criminals. Not thugs. Just humans. It's okay to acknowledge them. Okay for them to live a block away. No one in your house is likely jeopardized by their presence.
Here's to the friends who spend much of a lifetime searching for solutions just out of their grasp. To people I am proud to have the honor of calling friends. To Anita, Paula, Kathy...and others who have passed on and many whose names I do not know, Thank you for giving yourselves to the homeless among us. To making their lives better. To being the bearers of hope. Thank you for not giving up.
This and That
"God is not afraid of new things." And neither is Pope Francis. He made that statement in relation to homosexuality and homosexuals, a topic under scrutiny and discussion during a two-week summit at the Vatican.
I'm still madly in love with this man. He's a gutsy fellow who shows that a person can practice humility and still exercise tremendous personal power. This Pope has already taken the Catholic Church and its followers to levels of social progress that are almost unbelievable. Who'd have dreamed....? Stay tuned. More to come, I feel sure.
*****& That*****
I'm wearing something brand new that I wouldn't trade or sell for anything. A hint: It's on my lapel. A diamond broach? No! Not my style. More precious than any gems to me. Okay, I won't drag this out with guessing games.
Early voting isn't permitted in South Carolina. Absentee voting, however, is allowed for those qualifying under one of a number of prescribed requirements. For example, one qualifier is caregiving. Another is being 65 or more. So...I voted today. And I was happy to vote a straight Democratic ticket. Happy and proud of the candidates I voted for. It felt good walking out into the sweet autumn air and catching what felt like hope swirling in the breeze around me. And the brand new bling on my lapel? An "I voted" sticker.
Go get your own sticker as soon as you can. Early if you live in a state that allows early voting. Absentee if you can qualify. Take someone (or someones) with you! We must have some positive changes; it will take all our votes and all the votes we can make sure get cast by people we know. Let's get it done.
Carpe Diem!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
In Case You Missed It
By now you've probably either seen or heard about South Carolina's recent gubernatorial debate. I was behind on that and happy to see someone call out current Governor Nikki Haley on a debate statement that begged for closer examination. I'll post a video link to Melissa Harris Perry's take on the Confederate flag at the end of the post.
But first: Haley says she talks to CEO's quite a bit, and they haven't complained about the Confederate flag flying on the State House grounds in Columbia. What does that tell us? It just confirms that Haley's attention and allegiance is to the corporate/business world--and the mostly men who run that world. Who influence her world. Her thinking, her focus and her actions. Most of us voters don't fit in that category. I keep hearing Vincent Sheheen doesn't stand a great chance of winning the governor's race next month, but I'm not giving up. I implore you to vote for him. Get out and vote! I can't imagine any reason I won't be voting the straight Democratic ticket. And it will give me great satisfaction to vote and then be prompted by the machine to confirm that vote. It's almost like getting to vote twice!
Here's MHP's "letter" to Governor Haley:
Sick of Ebola?
I'm doing it again—talking back to TV. About the Ebola coverage. Especially when they talk about fear spreading like wildfire in America. As if the media isn't fanning the flames—after serving as fire starter! Watching Republicans react to the President's effort to educate and calm irrational fears has been entertaining, especially with the heavy cloud of hypocrisy hanging over them. They complain about not having a consistent message from the Administration, having too many spokespersons. Of course the appropriate "point person" on Ebola would be the Surgeon General of the United States—but Republicans blocked President Obama's Surgeon General nominee along with any other person or program he has proposed. Their worn-thin strategy continues to be destruction by obstruction. AND of course his opponents have gone wild with accusing the President of lagging in his response to Ebola. Check out this from Occupy Democrats:
Then GOP lawmakers called for someone to lead the "fight" against Ebola and contain the (media-manufactured) panic in the populace. So, do you think President Obama's appointment of a so-called Ebola "czar" was met with Republicans' (a) enthusiasm (b) relief (c) criticism. Yep, "c" for criticism. There have been far more hateful attacks on the President...One right-wing talker even said President Obama cares about Africa, not America. He's one of "them" not "us." When I see clips of fact-free, reason-deficient and hate-filled tirades, it sickens me to think how many Americans tune into these sources daily for their "news." Trusting the peddlers who pass off snake oil for news is like opting to ingest poison. A form of poison that allows the body to live but is sure to damage the brain, tax the spirit, and keep the "news" consumer in a constant state of anxiety, anger, and agitation.
Republicans continue to carry on about instituting a travel ban (against all advice from infectious disease specialists) and some have managed to link Ebola to "border problems." That could be the most absurd insult to reason of this election season. it's not over yet!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Elections Are Coming
Right behind Halloween. I hope we're treated to more Democrats at every level. I'm about to register in a new city—in plenty of time to vote. Everybody out there registered? Check your photo ID, too—I know, we shouldn't need them, but let's be sure we have one before November.
Thanks to Pro-Choice Liberals for posting this on Facebook.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Despite the Gun...
...this picture is worth a thousand words. Most people I know who DO vote Republican truly shoot themselves in the foot...or worse.
(from Living Blue in South Carolina/FB)
(from Living Blue in South Carolina/FB)
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Salute to Labor
South Carolina— the place where I was born and now live—is a right-to-work state. Current Governor Nikki Haley (R) defends that status with pride. What "right to work" means is that workers have the "right" to often-poor working environments and low wages, without a voice that could be heard through the process of collective bargaining. It means owners/managers have all the power. They're the only voice in workplace. I hope to see that change in my lifetime.
The first Monday in September is the national holiday when we honor the Labor Movement. It's a time for appreciation, celebration and a rest from labor. Let's enjoy the day and remember those who fought for child labor laws and continue to fight for workers' rights and so much more. Every day.
Feeling grateful to America's unions today!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Relating to Gun Deaths
Since the NRA "logic"post this morning, my friend Elizabeth posted this on Facebook:
Guns DO NOT make women safe. A pregnant woman died early Sunday after she was accidentally shot in the head while she and her husband were being shown a gun by their "friend". Her unborn child could not be saved either.
Sad news like this pretty much the norm now. Only mass shootings or killings at schools or other public places cause a blip on the gun violence radar screen in our heads. Or with the media talking heads. My friend Elizabeth doesn't let many gun deaths get by her. There are so many I can't begin to post them here— and still talk about anything else. Seriously, start noticing how many gun deaths are reported--especially child and infant deaths from gunshots. And many are not reported.
Thanks for being a strong advocate for gun safety, Elizabeth Montgomery!
NRA Logic
Blue Nation Review/posted on Facebook
Of course both propaganda campaigns are all about money. Period. The NRA represents gun manufacturers and sellers, not individual gun owners. The well-being of individuals and our society as a whole are not a concern for the NRA, just as it was and is the case with the tobacco industry. The NRA simply sticks with their absurd talking points, insulting the intelligence of Americans who pay attention and think.
How many will be killed by gun violence or "accidents" that turn children into corpses before enough Americans are moved to action? Enough to take away the influence of the NRA in pubic policy, in our lives. Have we really become so self-involved that we only care if we or someone we love are directly affected? Dear God I hope not! What to do? Join Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Donate. Thank owner/managers of establishments that post "No guns allowed" signs. Ask businesses that don't post whether they allow firearms and, if they don't, why not post a sign? Ask questions, wait for answers. Volunteer to get them a sign and contact the Moms organization.
And, not least: Always call out anyone who uses NRA "logic." Gun sense must prevail. And soon.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Pesky Facts!
Am I the only one out here who's sick and tired of the President's low "performance ratings?" Seriously, I don't agree with everything he does or says, but— given what I imagine will be seen as unprecedented challenges he has been, and is, facing—he's doing a remarkable job overall.
Former diplomats who served under Republican administrations, and others who are more in the know than you or I, have said that the President is absolutely correct in taking actions or not taking actions in various conflicts in our world. That he is doing the right thing in deliberating and exploring all the consequences of action. Isn't that what we want? A president who thinks before acting? Who gets every bit of information he can get before making his well-informed decision. I'm glad he isn't repeating the cowboy, kneejerk, ego-driven choices of the former administration.
So, the "optics" of fundraising speeches during turbulent times in the world don't suit some Americans, especially the right-wing media. Even I think it might have been better to postpone some of those events until August. If I were advising the President, that would have been my advice. But I don't think for one second that our leader is "disengaged" or has "forgotten" he is Commander-in-Chief. With today's technology, and Air Force One surely equipped with the best of the best, he can command whatever requires commanding from anywhere! And still appear for an hour at a fundraising dinner. His "people" are keeping up with everything that's going on in the world, every minute, and he will be briefed. He will be interrupted if need be.
If the President had visited the Border on one of his trips (which he was criticized for not doing), do you know what it would have been called? "An inappropriate photo op"... don't you just know it would?
I'm glad to pass along this recap of changes in the economy during the Obama presidency. Not too shabby. Good to have the numbers for the next time Cousin Jimmy Joe wants to engage in a Presidential putdown.
And one more thing: Hail to to the Chief!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Thanks once again, Stephen.
(from Our Time/Facebook)
South Carolina bears the shame of an inept Governor Haley, Congressman Joe Wilson's taking rudeness and disrespect to the lowest level ever with his "You lie!"during President Obama's State of the Union, Mark Sanford's irresponsible antics, and of course there's Jim DeMint. I know you could add to the list.
When I get discouraged almost beyond hope, I pause and feel grateful for two South Carolina native sons. We could also add to this list. I'm thinking this morning about Stephen Colbert. He understands and practices more of what Jesus taught than many self-proclaimed Christians who live contrary to his teachings and practice hypocrisy on a regular basis. Stephen even teaches Sunday School, y'all.
And the other son of the Palmetto State for whom I give thanks is Congressman Jim Clyburn. We have reasons to be proud of who he is and what he does in his leadership role in the House.
May they both live long and prosper—and keep on doing what they do so very well.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Gotta Watch 'Em
(from Liberals on Parade/Facebook)
Gotta watch them Liberials! But seriously, next time you hear about the Prez or "Liberials" taking someone's "freedom and liberty," have some fun with two questions: What's the difference between freedom and liberty? and What freedoms, specifically, have you lost in the past six and a half years? Sit back and take notes. Or just sit back and enjoy the silence!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy 4th from the Palmetto State
Thanks to Robert Arial (cartoonist/humorist extraordinaire) for sharing this on Facebook.
Note from Lucy Left: I was a blue dot in this red state even before it WAS a red state. On this Independence Day I fervently believe we will see South Carolina turn as blue as our flag. The sooner the better! YES WE CAN!
Happy 4th...Declare Your Independence!
HAPPY JULY 4TH! Declare your independence from gun violence - 86 Americans are shot and killed in our country every single day. Help protect America's future - SHARE THIS and PLEDGE to be a gun sense voter: http://gunsensevoter.org/
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The 4th from a Friend's Perspective
I'm privileged to live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave." I treasure the freedom to express myself. My freedom of and from religion. And I treasure the brave ones who have defended all our freedoms. While thinking about the 4th, I read a newsletter written by a friend and Executive Director of a shelter for homeless families in Columbia, South Carolina. Therein was some 4th of July food for thought which I'll share:
Freedom and Independence are not available to everyone.
While most of us will be celebrating the birth of our nation and the inherent freedoms that come with living in the United States, there are many among us who are not truly free to enjoy the American dream.
Homeless parents and children live a life of uncertainty and hardship. Most are not homeless for many of the perceived and socially believed norms. Our residents at Family Shelter are brave and courageous. The parents are working hard to move toward a life of independence despite lack of resources, lack of support systems and constant hurdles and obstacles. The children often maintain their youthful and lively spirit, work hard in school and keep their chin up despite family instability.
Family Shelter supports homeless families by providing a safe and stable living environment, daily living supplies, 3 meals/day, a variety of support services, education and enrichment programs, a dedicated and caring staff, and some fun and recreation thrown in as much as we can.
As you and your family celebrate the birth of our nation, please take a moment and remember the homeless families who are working hard to regain independence. Parents and children who have endured sometimes unspeakable life situations but show the resilience to keep moving forward, at whatever pace they are able to.
So far in 2014, 59% of our families moved into stable housing when they left our program. I invite you to promote freedom and independence for some of the most vulnerable in our community by helping us continue our support of the homeless families we serve.
Best wishes for a safe and fun holiday.
Note from Lucy: Family Shelter can be found on Facebook. If you happen to live in or near Columbia, SC, you might want to relive the magic of Peter Pan later this month. Tickets are available online for the July 17 performance to benefit the Shelter at www.columbiafamilyshelter.org . (If you can't make it to the show, they'd welcome your support through a monetary donation or gift from their wish list.)
I had the honor of serving as a volunteer at this shelter (caring for the children during the weekly adult residents' meetings) and later served on the Board. It was wonderful talking with some of the residents and hearing their stories—which, by the way, go against many of the myths and assumptions about homelessness. (I once heard a state senator say "Homeless children don't go to school." WRONG!)
As we celebrate this day, let's join Rebecca in understanding that some of us are able to enjoy greater freedom and independence than others.
Happy Birthday, America!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Relating to Yesterday's Post
(posted on Facebook)
All this physical violence and then the emotional violence to every person who walks into a women's clinic...whether for an abortion or a pap smear or counseling. People with violence on their minds now can get closer to their targets, thanks to the Supreme Court. It's beyond belief. Mercy.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Remember This Date
Today's Supreme Court ruling is significant, and I'm grateful to Planned Parenthood and other groups defending women's right to health care.
(Planned Parenthood Action/Facebook)
Can you IMAGINE making the heart-crushing decision to terminate a pregnancy? It's not the casual decision many right wingers make it out to be. You've thought about it, talked it over with a trusted person and possibly your Higher Power. You've lost sleep. But you know it's the right decision at this time. So, you arrive at the Clinic in time for your procedure. THEN you must pass through a gauntlet of people who likely never have faced, nor will face, dealing with the hard decision you have made. They are taunting you, shoving gory pictures in your face and waving signs saying you're a murderer.
This is not "education." This is not "God's will." This is engaging in over-the-top cruelty and an effort to control. They won't give a rat's ass about any child a fetus grows into—unless it's their own; they will complain about the "lazy mother" getting any governmental assistance when she loses her job after being out for the birth. Nor will they want to help her other 2 or 3 children in any way. They just want to be sure the fetus is born...and then they have nothing further to say.
Let's stand with Planned Parenthood and fight like we've never fought before. We were ashamed that torture was used against our "enemies" during a recent war. What the Supreme Court did today is sanction torturing American citizens...women exercising their legal right to privacy and health care. SHAME ON EVERY JUSTICE WHO VOTED IN FAVOR OF THIS TODAY. We shall overcome!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
A Sunday Buffet
(Blue Nation in Review/Facebook)
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In the 3 minutes I watched "Meet the Press" this morning Rand Paul (on the subject of immigration reform) talked about children being "dumped" on our side of the border. Dumped. He used that word twice. Turned my stomach, his total lack of compassion. These children weren't DUMPED, they walked unbelievable distances and took horrifying risks to get to what they or their parents or guardians believed would be a safer place for them. These children are not garbage, and they were not dumped, Rand Paul.
There's an empathy deficiency in the Republican Party. An epidemic, in fact, with no cure in sight.
* * * * * * *
Today's TV air is flooded with Koch Industries ads that look something like a career day promo. Seriously, it sounds as if all we need to do is pick up the phone and ask for a job. That is, after we say "thank you" to the Kochs for all the "good food, clothes, technology..." they provide for us all. Please spare me. Although not sure which is more misleading, I'd almost rather see the creepy Uncle Sam-in-the-examining-room ads they supported in an effort to ensure failure of the Affordable Care Act. Didn't scare too many people away, did it?
Does the Koch Industries ad get your goat or is it just me?
* * * * * * * * *
I'm still furious with the people who got us into Iraq over a decade ago, caused us to invade and occupy another country that—at the time—had no "weapons of mass destruction" or plans to harm Americans. Terrorists? The media (not just Fox) is still inviting these people to opine on the current situation in Iraq. I feel as if my head will explode when I see the people who duped us into the invasion called in as "experts" on Iraq. Paul Bremer? His ineptitude while in Iraq is widely known; he made things far worse! And we're supposed to listen to him? Please.
Before the invasion I made a sign on bright yellow poster board and joined a protest march to the State House in Columbia, SC. I felt strongly that if we invaded Iraq and killed innocent civilians—not to mention our own military—WE would be terrorists, certainly in the eyes of the Iraqis. And next day I was quoted as saying that in the largest daily newspaper in the state.
As I drive between my Lowcountry home and the South Carolina Midlands, I pass a federal penitentiary. As I approach it, I say a prayer for those incarcerated and those who work there. Then I cap off the ritual with a shout from the car window: "Save room for Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and all the people who got us into Iraq!" I doubt they'll ever need a cell there, but it's deeply satisfying to say those words out loud. I haven't varied the message or missed an opportunity to do this, going or coming, for nearly nine years—even when a puzzled passenger was with me!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
A BIG Mess
Talk about hubris, crazy, no shame—the Cheneys and other neocons who got us into Iraq under false pretenses. Slamming the President (the smart one who cares about humanity more than amassing a personal fortune) at every turn. It's almost beyond belief. Is your jaw dragging the floor? Mine is!
This is from Liberals Unite/Facebook and at least brought on a smile before I got angry all over again!
You've been doing a whole lot of that, Mr. President!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
What Stops a "Bad Guy"
Now THIS is gun sense—countering the NRA's sales pitch to generate big profits for the gun industry (manufacturers and dealers). The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Moms Demand Gun Sense in America, Every town, Gabby Giffords, the Brady Campaign, and other gun safety groups represent the interests of ALL Americans, including you truly responsible gun owners.
From the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence:
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Today's News from Iraq
Give us a break, Senator McCain. Did you believe for one minute the Iraqis wouldn't fight among themselves again? Of course you didn't. Neither did I.
Tribal cultures have always fought and always will. Sad that it's happening again now (and sad for those who are having to flee their homeland). Still, that's what sensible humans sought to convince the Bush administration (Cheney, Wolfowitz, et. al.) of before the invasion. We'd be "greeted as liberators." Nobody I know believed that.
(Living Blue in a Red State/Facebook
Our military fought honorably—with far too many courageous Americans killed or seriously injured during multiple deployments. They worked hard at rebuilding Iraq and trained the Iraqi forces, police, and others. They did all they could do, gave it their best, and we should be forever grateful.
I'm glad this President is a wise and thoughtful leader who's plugged in to reality; thus, he's unlikely to send troops back there. Even though some in Congress would be fine with having men and women they will never meet fighting new wars on a regular basis.
Hold steady, President Obama. Hold steady. I trust that you will.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Gun Safety? When?
To see a map of school shootings since Sandy Hook: http://www.vox.com/2014/6/10/5797306/map-school-shooting-sandy-hook It's "everything you need to know in 2 minutes."
(via John Safran - Facebook) "Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect US students during school shootings." http://bit.ly/1xBGJpt
Does this photo make you queasy, make your stomach clutch? Doubtful the framers of the Constitution were thinking of THIS when they wrote the second amendment. Mercy.
How many times have I urged Lefty friends to join Moms Demand Gun Sense in America? Hope you have done that. Another thing that would be helpful at this unhappy juncture in our gun-crazed corner of the world is this: Contact Senate Majority Harry Reid (leave a voice mail, fax a note, or speak to a staffer. Have your message ready if you're doing the phone thing.) Ask him to bring background check legislation back to the Senate floor this year. Also contact your Senators and Reps in DC.
Senator Reid's office: (Phone) 202-224-3542 (Fax) 202-224-7327
I was once told by a member of Congress that faxing a letter is probably the best way to get your views on issues seen.
Hagel and Cantor in the Spotlight
I'm watching a well-prepared Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel make an opening statement in the hearing on the exchange for American prisoner of war, Bowe Bergdahl. Hagel's delivery— of what I'm hearing as a substantive and convincing statement to the House Armed Services Committee— is impressive.
Last night's Primaries turned out pretty much as expected—with one exception. That exception was House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's stunning loss to Tea Party candidate David Brat. Brat is an economics professor at Randolph Macon. The kicker is that Cantor spent more on steak dinners (millions on all phases of the campaign) than Brat spent on his entire campaign. Cantor outspent Brat 26-1. Over $5 million! Apparently Bratt had far more door-to-door "retail politics" going on than Cantor. It's good to know the person to person thing isn't down the tubes. (We Dems know how to do that!) Cantor's internal polling had him winning by double digits.
Here's what stunned me this morning was Brat's response to Chuck Todd's simple question this morning: "Are you in favor of a minimum wage?" Brat said, "I don't have a well-crafted response to that." A well-crafted response? Really? How about an opinion? That seemed to be a yes or no question. Geeez.
Brat will face Democrat Jack Trammel (also a professor at Randolph Macon) in November. Get out your walking shoes, VA Dems; get out your checkbook, DNC!
Monday, June 9, 2014
From the Republican "Playbook"
(Living Blue in South Carolina/Facebook)
Do Americans who aren't political geeks have a clue that this charade of demanding more information/intelligence on a subject— while skipping briefings or hearings on said subject — is a Republican ploy that continues to fool many people. That's accomplished with the help of Fox "News" and right-wing radio.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
VOTE! Primaries Matter
(from Living Blue in NC/Facebook)
Glad to be a hopeful Liberal voting in South Carolina's DEMOCRATIC Primary Tuesday, June 10.
Friday, June 6, 2014
"...the facts are catching up."
(via League of Conservation Voters/Facebook)
Polluters and their allies in Congress are spreading LIES about the EPA’s new plan to #ActOnClimate by cutting carbon pollution. That’s why U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren went to the Senate floor to set the record straight and outline some of the public health and environmental benefits. Check it out: http://bit.ly/1o68LVA
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Real Gun Found in Toy Aisle
This happened at a Target store in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Target: Way Off the Mark
Who wants to shop Target and feel like they, or their children, might become a target? If you agree, let them know. Contact options are listed after the photo. I won't be shopping there!
is a central part of the lives of American moms, and we expect to feel
safe and secure when we wheel our kids around in the store's red
shopping carts. We support the Second Amendment, but people walking
through the aisles flaunting their loaded weapons – which has been
happening in stores across the country – is unacceptable. Many states
allow open carry without a background
check, license or training, so it’s up to companies to protect their
customers when the law won’t. Which is why we’re asking one of the
country’s largest retailers, a store that American moms flock to, to
follow the lead of Chipotle and Starbucks and put policies in place NOW
to keep our families safe.

Please use the information below to make your voices heard TODAY:
PETITION: http://every.tw/offtarget
TWITTER: @Target #OffTarget
PHONE: 612-304-6073; press 1 for guest relations
EMAIL: http://tinyurl.com/kd49bte
FAST TWEET: http:// momsdemandaction.org/ offtarget/
PETITION: http://every.tw/offtarget
TWITTER: @Target #OffTarget
PHONE: 612-304-6073; press 1 for guest relations
EMAIL: http://tinyurl.com/kd49bte
FAST TWEET: http://
AND please join Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America if you aren't already a member.
Monday, June 2, 2014
What Title Would You Give It?
(Facebook/Earl Barber)
If you were compiling a book filled with Bachmann's off-base takes on U.S. history (to be found in the Humor section at Barnes and Noble), what title would you give it? Let's have some fun: How about leaving your title in a comment?! I'm thinking "Nitwiticissms". . . . Come on, all you intellectual, book readin', latte drinkin' liberals...name your book.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Off the Wagon
Confession: I just fell off the "Sunday morning network political shows" wagon. (Note: I never pledged to stop watching Steve Kornachi, Melissa Harris Perry, or "Reliable Sources.") Clicked over to "This Week" on ABC, catching most of an interview with prepared, poised and articulate National Security Adviser, Susan Rice. She made a compelling case for the President's decisions around the release of the last remaining POW captured during the Afghan war. She was followed by Senator Ted Cruz. Why is it so hard for me to believe that he's a "U. S. senator?" Maybe the same reason I'm incredulous that anyone can listen to what he says without erupting in chants of b.s., b.s., b.s. (When voters in the Lone Star State wise up and vote him out, he could do well as an acting coach.)
He's so blatantly full of it. Cruz said a woman came up to him at an event and "hugged my neck." He said the woman has six children; her husband left her and she works five jobs.... Hmmmmm. I'd like to meet that woman. If you know her, please ask her to get in touch. Seriously, he talked about the woman's plight with perfect "I feel your pain" expressions and tones generally associated with funeral directors. And don't you know Cruz has cast votes that contributed to her problems? Or, more significantly, to the financial hardships impacting real men, women and children.
Mostly Cruz slammed the President on the release of five Taliban members detained at GITMO in exchange for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (the American POW referenced in Susan Rice's comments) held for the past five years during the Afghanistan war. Despite repeated questions, the senator never said how he would have secured the American prisoner's release. How he would have done it any differently. He "danced the little sidestep" all around it. Not one truly constructive insight or remark during his air time. Only b.s. served up with carefully crafted, soft-spoken drama.
When speculation about the 2016 election gets around to Ted Cruz, people tend to be dismissive. Big mistake. I believe his acting and public speaking skills will appeal to low-information voters who won't fact-check what he has to say. And you know there are far too many low-info voters and too many who respond manically to buzz words like "patriot" "freedom," "second amendment rights" and "founding fathers." Cruz and other Teapublicans fill their rhetoric with these words. Of course the big applause-getter is any reference to "taking our country back."
Thoughts of how our country would be if the likes of a Ted Cruz were to become its leader is the stuff nightmares are made of. It's up to us to wake up and get busy now. That we could lose the White House to a Republican/Teapublican is unthinkable. And we must keep the Senate majority. We need to win majority in the House, too. I know: This is what dreams are made of. But sometimes dreams come true, especially if they're fueled with passion and hard work. We can do it. We must.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Buy a gun, be a god...
Grateful to my friend Debbie T for sharing this link on Facebook today. I agree with her: It IS the best piece I've seen on this country's gun culture and the meaning of gun ownership. Mark Morford offers lots of rich food for thought. And maybe even the seeds of a campaign to re-define what it means to be a man. A tall order? Sure is. But possible. Read it and see what you think.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Note from Lucy
I have sorely missed spending time here with you, dear Lefties. As some of you know, my brother passed away in March; on the day he died, my mother fell and suffered a broken hip and shoulder. She's had a partial hip replacement, nearly two months of in-patient rehabilitation with PT and OT. She spent her 90th birthday at the rehab hospital. I stopped short of saying she "celebrated" her birthday there, even though my sister orchestrated a sweet party with extended family and a gorgeous cake, thanks to friend James.
I love my Mama. Therefore, I've been burning up the road for weeks that have turned into months all too fast. My mother has been home (3.5 hours away from my home) for two weeks now, still physically fragile at 76 pounds, but strong of mind with a sense of humor that saves her and all of us. There have been some high hurdles to make it possible for her to be at home with the level of care she needs, but we're managing to do that, thereby fulfilling her most significant wish. God knows she's had to accept losing so much. Her husband. Her son. Her ability to drive, go where she wants when she wants, and now her ability to move around without assistance. I'm thankful that my sister, brother and I have been pulling together to make her life as good as it possibly can be. We refuse to let reality ruin our days--or hers.
Since I've been living on Planet Mama, I simply haven't been able to write about day to day political goings on. Having to corral all my energy and focus it on doing what needs to get done for her well being while monitoring my own. Meanwhile, I'm grateful for some relevant Facebook posts which I will keep sharing here until I'm able to deep dive back into the political waters. Please know that I'm grateful for your patience. We're still connected. And I do plan to return on a more regular basis. Just not sure when at this point. I'll definitely be working for a more liberal Congress and legislatures and governors for the mid-terms. And I'll be counting on you to do the same!
Conservative or Liberal?
(Blue Nation Review/Facebook)
If you want a quick answer to "Why are you a liberal?" this would be mine.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Rocking the Vote
Lucy Lefties are good people who DO vote. Let's make sure everybody we know with sense enough to vote in the interest of the other 99% is registered and votes in primaries and the mid-terms. Getting out the vote: We must!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Thursday, May 8, 2014
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