Who wants to shop Target and feel like they, or their children, might become a target? If you agree, let them know. Contact options are listed after the photo. I won't be shopping there!
is a central part of the lives of American moms, and we expect to feel
safe and secure when we wheel our kids around in the store's red
shopping carts. We support the Second Amendment, but people walking
through the aisles flaunting their loaded weapons – which has been
happening in stores across the country – is unacceptable. Many states
allow open carry without a background
check, license or training, so it’s up to companies to protect their
customers when the law won’t. Which is why we’re asking one of the
country’s largest retailers, a store that American moms flock to, to
follow the lead of Chipotle and Starbucks and put policies in place NOW
to keep our families safe.

Please use the information below to make your voices heard TODAY:
PETITION: http://every.tw/offtarget
TWITTER: @Target #OffTarget
PHONE: 612-304-6073; press 1 for guest relations
EMAIL: http://tinyurl.com/kd49bte
FAST TWEET: http:// momsdemandaction.org/ offtarget/
PETITION: http://every.tw/offtarget
TWITTER: @Target #OffTarget
PHONE: 612-304-6073; press 1 for guest relations
EMAIL: http://tinyurl.com/kd49bte
FAST TWEET: http://
AND please join Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America if you aren't already a member.
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