(Posted by Daily Kos/Facebook)
Am I the only one out here who's sick and tired of the President's low "performance ratings?" Seriously, I don't agree with everything he does or says, but— given what I imagine will be seen as unprecedented challenges he has been, and is, facing—he's doing a remarkable job overall.
Former diplomats who served under Republican administrations, and others who are more in the know than you or I, have said that the President is absolutely correct in taking actions or not taking actions in various conflicts in our world. That he is doing the right thing in deliberating and exploring all the consequences of action. Isn't that what we want? A president who thinks before acting? Who gets every bit of information he can get before making his well-informed decision. I'm glad he isn't repeating the cowboy, kneejerk, ego-driven choices of the former administration.
So, the "optics" of fundraising speeches during turbulent times in the world don't suit some Americans, especially the right-wing media. Even I think it might have been better to postpone some of those events until August. If I were advising the President, that would have been my advice. But I don't think for one second that our leader is "disengaged" or has "forgotten" he is Commander-in-Chief. With today's technology, and Air Force One surely equipped with the best of the best, he can command whatever requires commanding from anywhere! And still appear for an hour at a fundraising dinner. His "people" are keeping up with everything that's going on in the world, every minute, and he will be briefed. He will be interrupted if need be.
If the President had visited the Border on one of his trips (which he was criticized for not doing), do you know what it would have been called? "An inappropriate photo op"... don't you just know it would?
I'm glad to pass along this recap of changes in the economy during the Obama presidency. Not too shabby. Good to have the numbers for the next time Cousin Jimmy Joe wants to engage in a Presidential putdown.
And one more thing: Hail to to the Chief!
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