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Saturday, November 23, 2013

O. M. G.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was talking about income inequality in this country and the environmental crisis of climate change.  He pointed out that the Senate has not discussed climate change even once.  He was saying that the filibuster rule change should stop some of the obstructionism and hopefully bring these issues into the spotlight (my words about the spotlight).   Senator Sanders was asked whether he's considering running for President in 2016.  He said it depends not on who enters the race but on whether anyone is talking about these issues.  If no candidate is serious about taking on these serious problems, he would be willing to run.  


I'm among Senator Sanders' admirers.  He's just straight-up candid and honest; he doesn't dodge questions, and he won't suffer pressure from lobbyists.  Period.  Which makes me wonder about how well-funded a Sanders candidacy could be, given his refusal to indulge the big-money lobbyist donors. Isn't it a shame that we even need to think that way?


Speaking of income inequality,  Did you know McDonald's  has come up with ideas  to "help" employees stretch their meager paychecks?  Just in time for the holidays!   Here are the suggestions I saw; there may be more!   (1) Shop at thrift stores.  (2) Eat stale bread and bruised apples. (3) Return unopened gifts. (4) Quit complaining.   I'm telling you, this could be a Dickens novel.  Except he'd have to start this one with "It was the worst of times."   I don't see how it could get worse at the golden arches.  Does it make you want to set your hair on fire—or  have some face time with the jackass who came up with this list?    This insulting, callous, patronizing action makes me furious. 


AND if I see one more ad by Walmart—the one that appears to  be a 9-1-1 effort at image repair— I will shriek.   The one featuring enthusiastic, satisfied employees (I'm guessing they're actors, but maybe they were employees?)  It would do more for the big box retailer's image if they'd pay their employees a living wage instead of spending mega bucks on all this advertising spin.  


The corporate world is showing workers no holiday mercy thus far.   Republicans can drone on all they want about the free market "correcting" this or that.  It's not happening for the majority of Americans.  Raise the minimum wage to a living wage now!

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