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Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21, 2013 - Write It Down

A new day has dawned for democracy in America— November 21, 2013.  It's historic. Write it down. Senator Harry Reid took the line not of least resistance but that of last resort.  As of this day Republicans in the Senate can no longer block consideration of every appointee proposed by President Obama.  There are too many vacancies the nation's courts, slowing down our justice system—not because Senate Republicans oppose the candidates' qualifications.  It's because they are determined to obstruct any appointments or programs this President proposes.  There was no other way to get this government back to functioning but to honor what's at the core of the democratic form of government:  majority rule.  No more 60 votes to pass anything.   Sure, it can adversely affect Democrats should they lose the Senate majority--or when they do.  That was considered and security rejected in favor of doing the right thing for the country.  Halle-freakin-lujah!  We must hold on to the Senate majority.

It's unconscionable how many of this President's appointments have been blocked by Senate Republicans.  Here's a graphic (from Kim Lett on Facebook via Sen. Reid that will tell more than I can: 

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