Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook
WELCOME! Good to have you here.
You have power. Use it wisely. Make it matter.
At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.
Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Sharing a Grateful Shoutout
Also thankful for Melissa Harris-Perry and Nerdland! Let's have a happy, grateful day, and be ready to stand up again tomorrow!
May You Feast and Feel Grateful
Giving thanks for friendship, diversity, and creativity—also admiring Chef Snoopy's menu of popcorn and dessert. I could go with that.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Gratitude at Thanksgiving
Wishing you traveling mercies, beautiful days of gratitude, joy, and happy overindulgences—especially in love! I'm grateful for you, my Lefty friends!
(yourbeautifullife.org via Ganesha's Place/Facebook)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Miscellaneous Monday
You might want to visit Allen Clifton over at Forward Progressives before Thursday— "10 Questions Every Liberal Should Ask Every Republican." Good to keep in mind when Uncle Fester and other Righty relatives start up about "the national debt" and other Teapublican talking points: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/10-questions-every-liberal-should-ask-every-republican/
Here's more help for Thanksgiving dinner conversation from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America:
TALK TURKEY: Going to have any fun conversations over the holidays with
relatives who don't always see eye-to-eye on current events? Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is partnering with Mayors Against Illegal Guns this Thanksgiving to give YOU some talking points on gun reform. Good luck talking turkey! Join us: @MomsDemand or http://momsdemandaction.org/
And just for fun: Half-term Governor of Alaska and expert on slavery, Sarah Palin, shows her ignorance once again. http://www.politicususa.com/2013/11/24/sarah-palin-humiliates-fox-news-knowing-nuclear-option.html
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday Night Surprise
Saturday night live: Breaking news from Geneva. The President speaks to the Nation. After 35 years, a breakthrough in moving toward change in Iran's nuclear capability. It's a six-month, temporary agreement during which Iran's intentions will be tested. Skepticism is understandable, given Iran's track record on trustworthiness. It's been made clear by the President and Secretary Kerry that this agreement is intended as a first step only. There's more work to be done and careful monitoring to assure Iran is keeping its part of the bargain. Accountability is key. This was a deal made with international support.
The agreement has opened a door to the possibility of historic change in our world. Eventually it could mean avoiding another war.
It's no surprise that Israel continues its opposition to diplomatic progress. Their negative reaction was immediate. However, it was a sad to see even a Republican responding as Senator John Cornyn of Texas did. He tweeted "Amazing what WH will do to distract attention from O-care." Really, Senator? Really? A historic diplomatic victory is a distraction? Sounds more like the tone of a temperamental toddler than a United States senator.
I'm hoping Senate Democrats— including New York Senator Chuck Schumer—will support the President and the Secretary on this. Democrats need to stand strong, not allow Republicans to undermine this remarkable progress. Republicans would very much like to do that by insisting on still more sanctions during this six-month period. To do that would be to unravel the historic agreement reached yesterday.
This agreement was made possible because of the Obama Administration—the result of far tougher sanctions imposed during his term and bringing in more of the international community. We are not alone with our goal of a non-nuclear Iran, and for the first time there's a glimmer of hope that this goal might be realized peacefully.
Now it's time for that to be duly noted and celebrated—understanding that time, along with built-in accountability measures, will tell what the next step will be.
Low-Bar Limbaugh
Among members of the right-wing media, there's little interest in advancing accurate reporting. That's an ongoing source of annoyance to me. Radio and TV talkers casually ignore facts as they promote their manufactured Obama outrage du jour. The right-wing recipe is to mix a very small portion of truth in with their outrageous distortions. The distortions are crafted to trigger fear in their loyal, trusting demographic. It's the not-so-new normal. In fact, we've grown accustomed to their propaganda masquerading as news, haven't we? Their listeners and viewers take everything they hear from these sources as the truth—either because they're gullible or because what's being said fits their personal bias.
But some of the talkers have gone beyond the low-bar limits on decency. It's beyond disgusting. Remember Limbaugh bellowing about law student Sandra Fluke after she testified at a Senate Hearing? Limbaugh declared she was a "slut" and a "prostitute" who wanted taxpayers to pay her to have sex. Ms. Fluke simply had advocated that contraception be covered by insurance; in part of her testimony she cited a friend's ovarian cysts that required treatment with prescriptive birth control.
I don't think this bright young woman sued Rush Limbaugh or the radio stations that permit him to pollute our airwaves. And they are our airwaves. A number of sponsors jumped ship on Limbaugh after that, but still he seems to thrive. I don't recall hearing that any stations dropped his show, but I hope I just missed that news.
Now the buffoon is trivializing rape. Comparing the Senate filibuster rule change to rape. I'll insert a link to Allen Clifton's post over at Forward Progressives. He'll fill you in. Maybe it's time to start a call-write-petition campaign to get Limbaugh, disgusting blow-hard that he is, off our air!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
O. M. G.
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was talking about income inequality in this country and the environmental crisis of climate change. He pointed out that the Senate has not discussed climate change even once. He was saying that the filibuster rule change should stop some of the obstructionism and hopefully bring these issues into the spotlight (my words about the spotlight). Senator Sanders was asked whether he's considering running for President in 2016. He said it depends not on who enters the race but on whether anyone is talking about these issues. If no candidate is serious about taking on these serious problems, he would be willing to run.
I'm among Senator Sanders' admirers. He's just straight-up candid and honest; he doesn't dodge questions, and he won't suffer pressure from lobbyists. Period. Which makes me wonder about how well-funded a Sanders candidacy could be, given his refusal to indulge the big-money lobbyist donors. Isn't it a shame that we even need to think that way?
Speaking of income inequality, Did you know McDonald's has come up with ideas to "help" employees stretch their meager paychecks? Just in time for the holidays! Here are the suggestions I saw; there may be more! (1) Shop at thrift stores. (2) Eat stale bread and bruised apples. (3) Return unopened gifts. (4) Quit complaining. I'm telling you, this could be a Dickens novel. Except he'd have to start this one with "It was the worst of times." I don't see how it could get worse at the golden arches. Does it make you want to set your hair on fire—or have some face time with the jackass who came up with this list? This insulting, callous, patronizing action makes me furious.
AND if I see one more ad by Walmart—the one that appears to be a 9-1-1 effort at image repair— I will shriek. The one featuring enthusiastic, satisfied employees (I'm guessing they're actors, but maybe they were employees?) It would do more for the big box retailer's image if they'd pay their employees a living wage instead of spending mega bucks on all this advertising spin.
The corporate world is showing workers no holiday mercy thus far. Republicans can drone on all they want about the free market "correcting" this or that. It's not happening for the majority of Americans. Raise the minimum wage to a living wage now!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Fifty Years Ago
(Formidable Republican Opposition via The Rachel Maddow Fan Page/Facebook)
He was bigger than life, this President, yet his life was cut short. Despite the extreme pain he lived with—which we had no clue about during his life—his joy and enthusiasm were contagious. John F. Kennedy was very human, flawed as we all are. Even so, his essence, his light was bright as his mind. He made us all feel hopeful, optimistic about the future. We could accomplish anything; everything was possible.
The day President Kennedy was killed, America's optimism seemed to die, as if it wanted to follow him to the grave. We began to believe, in a different way, that "anything" was possible —if even an invincible President could be taken away in an instant. That we can count on nothing. His optimism had lifted us all up, inspired us. We were shocked by his death, stunned. We grieved, we wept. We felt empathy for his widow, his family, and the country. It should be noted that some Americans actually celebrated this President's death; it's been shocking somehow to be reminded of that. So, some people were as cynical and empathy free then as too many are today.
One change that has taken place since that horrific day in Dallas is the current empathy deficiency in America. We had a short-lived sighting of empathy after 9/11, but the empathy that sad day generated took a back seat to our fears. The lack of empathy for others, regardless of circumstances, is a tragedy in itself.
I like the quote in the above photo and feel compelled to share a thought on this hero's words: I hear what he said. And I would say that today it's likely we miss much in life by living in the past or future— not being fully present in the unfolding moments. That's where life happens, the only life we can count on—the present moment.
There will be numerous tributes commemorating this 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. I look forward to seeing them. MSNBC is presenting three specials tonight; I'll be watching and checking in with PBS and other networks to see what they're doing. My own tribute to President Kennedy will be to light a candle now and reflect on his light. But a more meaningful tribute will be to appreciate and support, more energetically, the President we have now. And I will pray for his continued health and safety.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
November 21, 2013 - Write It Down
A new day has dawned for democracy in America— November 21, 2013. It's historic. Write it down. Senator Harry Reid took the line not of least resistance but that of last resort. As of this day Republicans in the Senate can no longer block consideration of every appointee proposed by President Obama. There are too many vacancies the nation's courts, slowing down our justice system—not because Senate Republicans oppose the candidates' qualifications. It's because they are determined to obstruct any appointments or programs this President proposes. There was no other way to get this government back to functioning but to honor what's at the core of the democratic form of government: majority rule. No more 60 votes to pass anything. Sure, it can adversely affect Democrats should they lose the Senate majority--or when they do. That was considered and security rejected in favor of doing the right thing for the country. Halle-freakin-lujah! We must hold on to the Senate majority.
It's unconscionable how many of this President's appointments have been blocked by Senate Republicans. Here's a graphic (from Kim Lett on Facebook via Sen. Reid that will tell more than I can:
The Reality of Ruthlessness
Yes, President Obama is guilty. Of being such a decent human being that he underestimates the ruthlessness of those seeking to wreck his programs and his Presidency. I don't think our President fully understands that Republicans and their campaign benefactors will stop at nothing to defeat him. Sometimes a person with strong principles believes other human beings also have principles.
I like to believe the best about people, and I do— until someone shows me they're operating with a different set of "rules" than I am. Until they have lied or betrayed me. Then it's "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." It's my fervent hope that our President can hang on to his strength of character while seeing clearly what his opponents are capable of. They truly are ruthless.
My head might explode if one more time I hear the GOP talking point that we need to "start over" with the ACA; that we need to have "Republicans at the table this time" Republicans were invited to the table throughout the legislative process. There were times they were invited and refused come, just to snub the President—and when GOP leaders were willing to talk, the Dems made more concessions than I wish they had. Congressional Republicans consider compromise a weakness, rather than as a major factor in a functioning democracy. Maybe that's why ours is barely functioning now.
Here's an Upworthy video with Independent Senator Bernie Sanders (whom I greatly admire) talking with Chris Hayes on the subject: http://www.upworthy.com/in-3-minutes-he-nails-what-no-one-wants-to-hear-about-those-canceled-health-plans?c=bl3
If I had my way, there would be Administration surrogates saturating the media now, talking about individuals whose lives are already positively impacted by the ACA. Talking about how the new law goes a long way in reforming the health insurance industry, giving consumers significant protections from insurers' greed for the first time. Republicans have never, ever offered a plan to correct this tremendous problem in our country—the drain on the economy, the consumer abuse. The disgrace of being the only industrialized nation that has allowed too many of our people to go without adequate health care.
If I were the president, I'd have a highly skilled contingent from the intelligence community looking into possible sabotage of the ACA web site. With the millions spent to ensure that the new law fails, how big a stretch is it to consider this: Money might have gone into making sure the web site wasn't working, that it was so bad the law is "scrapped"—to use Speaker Boehner's wishful word. In my view, Republicans and their mega-million funders are ruthless. They regularly hit a "new low" in words and deeds when it comes to undermining every effort undertaken by this President.
Mr. President, other good men have seen their popularity wane; please keep the faith as you accept the reality of ruthlessness. Remember that you're up against people with a decency deficiency. There's an obvious lack of ethics, morals, and conscience among your enemies. And, seriously, I hope you'll check into every possibility as you seek answers to what went wrong with the web site and why. I'm beginning to think sabotage is more likely than not.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Republican Budget Busting
Check out this NY Times piece by Bruce Bartlett who had senior policy roles in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and served on the staffs of Jack Kemp and Ron Paul.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Worst.Socialist.Ever, etc.
(The Rachel Maddow Fan Page, Facebook)
This is almost funny. Actually I do find myself smiling as I think of how many Teapublicans wouldn't get this—They'd be nodding in agreement, "Yeah, that's right!" Leave it to us "elitist intellectuals" to share wit beyond "real Americans'" comprehension.
So, corporate profits are up 60% and yet corporations continue to sit on their cash. Of course they're opposed to using some of their windfall profits to raise the minimum wage. (Walmart is asking for donations from shoppers to help their needy sales associates during the holidays. How about paying them a living wage?)
The middle class is shrinking, as too many Americans continue striving to reach economic viability and stability. Income inequality is growing by the minute. A significant increase in the minimum wage would be a start at making it at least possible for workers to meet their basic needs; still, it wouldn't fix income inequality. Nevertheless, let's at least raise the minimum wage and make a start—ASAP! President Obama has suggested taking it to $10.10 per hour. I'd vote for that.
Things That Keep Me Up At Night:
The number one issue, as I see it, is the environmental crisis. For too long the evidence has been staggering: Time is running out to clean up our act—literally. Yep, this truth is more than inconvenient. It's a loud call to immediate action. So, what was Congress focused on as the biggest storm ever to hit land devastated the Philippines—and "devastated" is an understatement? Eighty tornadoes, some with winds up to 200 mph, leveled whole neighborhoods, multiple towns, in the Midwest. In mid-November! Combine these with the other recent tornadoes of record intensity that have wrecked homes, businesses, and lives— enough to get our elected representatives' attention. Then there's the World Health Organization's warning about air quality and disease, along with all the scientists saying action must be taken immediately or it will be impossible to slow down the destruction. The ice caps melting, sea levels rising. Reasons enough?
Bless all the environmental groups who work tirelessly to save our sick planet. Sadly, they can't match the financial backing that polluters (like the Koch brothers) and their lobbyists have. Instead of stopping major polluters in their tracks, Congress rewards them. Example: Subsidies for a thriving oil industry that needs no subsidizing (as the Republican Congress cuts food stamps for the hungry). Members of Congress don't dare provoke the ire of their campaign financiers. The poor and middle class don't have lobbyists. What can we do but raise our voices and put pressure on the Legislative and Administrative branches of government to get on it! Our environment will not heal without a lot of help, and there's no evidence that it's likely to become a priority in D.C. any time soon—even though it's almost too late.
It makes me furious to hear over and over again that the ACA unsuccessful web site launch is "Obama's Katrina." Excuse me? The web site failures have not happed out of willful neglect. No one has lost life or home because of it; whereas, for decades American lives have been lost for lack of adequate health care. The web site launch was flawed, but the ACA is not a failure. I'm also sick of hearing that the President "lied" in saying that people who like their insurance policy could keep it. He couldn't know, for sure, how the insurance companies would handle the new standards. Certainly didn't expect them to send out cancellation letters. I'd say the President's statement would be more fairly characterized as "misspeaking." Did you hear the same level of media buzz when President George W. Bush appeared on the aircraft carrier to declare "Mission accomplished" in Iraq, nearly a decade before the "mission" was actually "accomplished." How about when President George H.W. Bush said he would not raise taxes. Period. He said "Read my lips. No more taxes." Remember?
I've reached my tolerance limit when it comes to the disrespect and obstruction directed at President Obama and his programs. The refusal to confirm his appointees. The dogged Republicans' determination to derail the ACA. So you might find me more reactive than usual. I've had it with the Teapublicans and the right-wing media. Some of the mainstream media, too, at this point.
Speaking of the ACA, here's a video for you: http://www.occupydemocrats.com/watch-megyn-kelly-foxnews-get-called-sabotaging-obamacare/
Yet another bullying incident that involved a firearm and a temper tantrum—followed by an eerily calm CYA call to 9-1-1. That call reminds us that George Zimmerman knows how to work the legal system to his advantage. He has been charged with aggravated assault in the most recent domestic incident with his girlfriend. Zimmerman's estranged wife had a restraining order issued after a similar incident. Sadly Travyon Martin wasn't able to get a restraining order for this angry bully. Zimmerman's behavior patterns have been consistent. Why does this man continue to have guns in his possession?! How can our system allow for that?
Zimmerman took the teenager's life and tried to turn Martin into the villain. Tried and obviously succeeded with the jury and segments of our populace whose bias led them to believe Zimmerman. May justice yet prevail in the death of young Travyon Martin.
Tendonitis is reminding me that I've rambled too long today—not to mention ignoring the laundry and a dozen other "to do's" in the process. Thank you for reading the long posts. I am ever grateful for your presence at Lucy Left and for your presence in the world.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Moms Are Getting It Done!
IT'S WORKING: Last week, members of Moms Demand Action made the case for gun sense at a Staples in Arlington, VA, and the manager agreed: He will put up signs saying no guns are allowed in his store!
But not every Staples bans guns. Please go into your local store and
ask the manager to go gun free. Help bring gun sense to a Staples near
you: http://bit.ly/1hERuz7. It's easy!
* * * * * * *
This is the way to stem the tide of growing gun violence. Moms Demand Action has the potential to grow stronger than the NRA. Every person who would like to shop and enjoy food or beverages in public places without worrying about a gun-toter with anger issues—every parent or grandparent concerned about all the children being killed by guns in our country—any person anywhere who wants to make a positive difference in our world: Join Moms Demand Action. Donate what you can, be it time or money. This is the group that can loosen the grip of the NRA—on our elected representatives, on our culture, and on our daily lives.
Remember when DUI was "just" an accepted part of American life? It was Mothers Against Drunk Driving who finally turned that around. And Moms Demand Action is every bit as organized, passionate and determined. They will prevail. We will prevail. If you're not already on board, please join today! http://momsdemandaction.org/
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Sunday Thoughts: A Random Harvest
The Real Religion of Conservatives . . .
Check out this piece at Forward Progressives: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/introducing-republicanity-the-real-religion-conservatives-worship/
Sunday Morning Coming Down
Facebook posts continue to trigger astonishment, like other evidence of failure to "practice what we preach." Example: One person shared three consecutive posts: A photo of a little girl with the message "Click 'like' if you love Down Syndrome children." Are you kidding me? Children and adults living with Down Syndrome are the manifestation of love in its purest form. What's not to love? Next post is a diatribe against the ACA written by Dr. Ben Carson who's gaining name recognition pretending to be an "expert" on all the "bad" things involving the ACA. And last, a photo of this message written in the snow: "I Love Jesus." There were instructions to share or "like" if you're not ashamed to love Jesus.
The poster of these items is but one of the Americans who loathe the President and long to see him and his programs fail. I think the term Teapublicans fits this segment of our population; They see themselves as "patriots" and see us liberals as "intellectual elitists" or "socialists"—both of which I take as a compliment. Their attitudes range from smug to jubilant about the severe budget cuts denying thousands of young children the benefits of Head Start— and denying even more hungry children as well veterans, the elderly and disabled a hand up in the form of food assistance through SNAP. (Excellent opinion piece by Nicholas Kristof: http://kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/16/why-food-stamps-are-a-great-investment/?smid=fb-share&_r=0 ) Ironic isn't it? Yet the irony is totally lost on Teapublicans living in the opposing extremes they've adopted.
They can click away to prove they aren't "ashamed" of loving Jesus, but I believe Jesus would be ashamed of their contempt for, or indifference to, the poor. Teapublicans are beginning to gear up to celebrate the season of his birth and revving up their indignation about an imagined "war on Christmas." Fox News is already stoking the holiday furor. It takes a lot of bitterness to find offense in a greeting intended to be a message of good will—Happy Holidays! A message of inclusion. Teapublicans aren't big fans of inclusion.
(Thanks to Being Liberal for sharing this on Facebook.)
When Pope Francis talks about humility and inclusion, about putting the emphasis on love and service rather than judgment, he's pronounced "too liberal" by (can you guess?) Sarah Palin, brilliant sage, religious scholar, and half-term governor of Alaska. Even my fingers were laughing as I typed that.
On Race and President Obama
"Racism is a virus that is growing clever at avoiding detection." Yes, it is, Charles Blow. Read the rest of his op-ed in the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/16/opinion/blow-disrespect-race-and-obama.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0
Gun Sense or Nonsense?
I think about gun violence a lot these days. Most of you are concerned about it, too, and becoming activists for solutions. Maybe, like me, you've already joined Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America; there's a chapter in your state! Check out video of founder Shannon Watts's impressive appearances on various television shows— after Texans toting semi-automatics gathered to intimidate four members of Moms Demand Action. They were meeting for discussion. Unarmed. As I said in an earlier post, they were armed with good common sense, a mission, and courage—no firearms. http://momsdemandaction.org/
Here's some information on gun deaths, statistics kept since the late 1960's:
Sorry to leave you with those sad statistics. Maybe more of us will get active with Moms Demand Action as a result?
Have a peaceful, restorative Sunday, dear Lefties.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Income Inequality
"Most Americans, rich or poor, have no idea just how concentrated wealth has become in our country. . . ." For the rest of this compelling article: http://blog.sfgate.com/jprimack/2011/09/11/inequality-of-wealth-and-income-helped-cause-our-current-economic-problems/
That there is serious income inequality is something we have known, at least in the abstract. And yet it was somehow stunning to see these stark reminders this morning. We all need to be aware of this and of whatever else is happening in our world, whether we like it or loathe it. We are affected, always, because we are part of "it all." If everyone would recognize that we are all in this together, maybe motivations and actions would change accordingly. Maybe the inequality gap would begin to close. Slowly and over time, yes, but I'll gladly take a beginning any old time.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Assurance of Insurance
(from Democratic Underground via Rachel Maddow Fan Page/Facebook)
And from Mother Jones:
"The reason these plans were canceled in the first place was that they were lousy. They might have been cheap, but they barely met basic insurance standards. These plans relied on consumer ignorance. Forcing insurance companies to spell out the lack of coverage could ensure that these cancellation notices stick—for the right reason."
* * *
If only the President I trust and respect would stop taking all the blame for "promises unkept" when the insurance industry needs to be called out for the way they've done business for eons. The ACA mandates that insurance vendors not scam their customers—nor stop coverage when they become sick and need treatment, and, and, and. The Patient's Bill of Rights built into the Affordable Care Act ensures significant safeguards for consumers. So. . . let's simmer down about the slow web site; we've waited overnight for concert and football tickets, right? We've stayed up all night binging on chocolate and watching old movies, right? So dredge up some patience, and—in this season for giving thanks—be grateful that this law is in place. In a few years you're likely to be saying to your Congressman, "Don't mess with my Obamacare!"
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Pearls Before Swine?
Doing some deep breathing, hoping my BP doesn't go through the ceiling as I listen to Speaker Boehner: This White House can't be trusted, and he's going on about the ACA web site, saying this law "needs to be scrapped once and for all." That's what the Republicans have wanted all along, of course. He called the U.S. health delivery system the "best in the world." He didn't mention the 47 million uninsured Americans. (It gets harder to listen to any Republican bellyaching about the ACA, knowing they were totally unwilling to cooperate or compromise when the bill was going through the legislative process. Only interested in obstruction.
Democrats, on the other hand, compromised away the single payer option which would have resolved many of the insurance marketplace problems, in my view. And the Republicans never, ever proposed an alternative plan to reform the health insurance system. EVER. They still fear that it will be a huge success, and I believe there's still a strong chance it will be. That is, provided the bills proposed in House and Senate don't fly tomorrow. Passage of either bill could easily gut, and in essence kill, the law. Some members are running scared about re-election since constituents are upset about their misleading policy cancellation notices. (Of course the people who will be getting insurance for the first time, or getting the consumer protections under the ACA, are not likely to call and say "Thank you for making this possible; it's the angry and frightened constituents who make the calls and raise the roof at Town Halls. )
Apparently Boehner holds a weekly press conference at this time, so he wasn't purposely stepping on the President's announcement about the ACA—which was my first thought when I saw the split screen and the Speaker's face on one side.
Waiting now for President Obama to speak about insurance companies cancelling policies. But MSNBC has Sean Spicer, the RNC communications director. Thankfully Thomas Roberts is on on deck and asking questions with follow-up. He's not letting this guy get away with misleading claims—and Roberts does this without interrupting the guest or being rude in any way. Just a damn good, ethical journalist and, by the way, the son of Steve and Cokie Roberts. They must be extremely proud of him. I am!
Here's the President: First, it came as no surprise that this President repeatedly took sole responsibility and blame for the bad rollout of the ACA. And he made sure to absolve Congressional Democrats of blame. That mistakes were made was readily admitted, in fact declared. And he said he had let his fellow Democrats down.
The President relaxed into a conversational stance with each questioner, as if it were an intimate one-to-one over a beer. He was more than thorough in answering, never dodging or deflecting. How rare that is for any political person! He said his administration had fumbled the ball on the rollout, and he's head of this team; what he will do is continue working 24/7 to see that the site is up to speed by month's end. It also sounds as if he will do an "autopsy" [my word] on what went wrong and why once the site is operating at optimum levels. He said he's not giving up, not turning his back on the uninsured people who deserve affordable health care.
So, the President's plan for those receiving insurance cancellation notices: Those consumers can renew policies that do not meet ACA standards; however, those consumers won't have the same protections as those who become insured under the new law. Also, insurers must let consumers know this and offer them alternative plans. The insurance industry has already issued statements saying they can't do this, that these changes will lead to other changes. Some media speculation is that the President's plan to appease policyholders could accomplish what the Republican's have tried to do for three years: Put the ACA "in peril."
I just saw in my President a contrite and weary man, but also an earnest, honest, and determined man. And talk about transparency! We Americans don't know how to react to such openness, such earnestness, in any public official, especially the POTUS. The media surely doesn't! They were saying he wasn't confident today, etc. "A beaten man." I hope some media people or person will talk about the phenomenal fact of his earnest transparency. His honest candor. But maybe, as my grandmother used to say, that's asking for "pearls before swine." Time will tell.
Moms Definitely Know How . . .
MOMS KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH BULLIES: Open Carry Texas claims: "What we are doing is working, and society is coming to view ‘military style rifles’ in public as just another normal thing." http://slate.me/1a4I2lG.
Los Angeles Times editorial cartoonist David Horsey perfectly sums up #GunBullies in this cartoon. Help us stand up to attempts to silence moms and women . . . . support our work today: http://bit.ly/1cxATwi
Shannon Watts is leading Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. If you saw her on "The Ed Show" or "All In With Chris Hayes" it probably surprised you to learn she's new to activism. This mom's TV appearances would have caused me to believe she's had years of experience. She's poised, articulate, to the point, soft-spoken, and determined—an impressive advocate for reasonable gun safety reforms. The morning after Sandy Hook she googled gun safety organizations modeled on Mothers Against Drunk Driving and found none. So she started her own advocacy group; now there are chapters of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in every state!
Far better financed groups have tried taking on the NRA with little success; however, mothers and anyone else who's passionate about children's safety and well-being, make the strongest activists. They're not easily intimidated or terrorized, even by a group of menacing people carrying "big guns" I can't name. But some long guns looked capable of mowing down a crowd in a matter of seconds. These openly armed people clearly came to intimidate four unarmed mothers who were meeting to talk about gun safety reform. Not about "coming for their guns."
Many Americans are in a love relationship with their firearms. And many of these people are fear-based. "The Moms" love children, all children, and want to be assured of their safety—simple as that. And they don't like bullying. Armed with determination, passion for the cause, and good common sense, the Moms have more courage than most of those Texas gun-toters. They're proving it every day.
Whether you're a mother or not, this grassroots organization will welcome you. Man or woman. Please contact them today to join us in standing up to the National Rife Association and the other bullies seeking to intimidate, and even terrorize, the rest of us.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Gotta Hand It To Republicans
At this hour Republican Darrell Issa is chairing a House Oversight Committee hearing on the ACA rollout. Again. I've lost count. Today they're grilling the IT people, and I can't watch another Issa hearing.
The key web site "fixer"is pushing hard against the November 30 timeline when Americans have been assured the web site will be working effectively—if not totally glitch-free by then. The poor guy has been catching sleep as he can, on his office floor, to maximize time spent resolving issues with the ACA site. AND YET, a subpoena was issued for him to appear at one of the committee's inquisitions. The Administration decided not to bother fighting it. But it required the Fixer to take time out to prepare and appear as ordered. Valuable time spent away from where he needs to be, a fact that I'm sure isn't lost on the Republicans who insisted on his immediate testimony.
You gotta hand it to the Republicans. If there were a"devious opportunists" award, they'd win, hands down, every time. Excuse me—make that the Heartless, Devious Opportunists Award . Teapublicans have no problem repeating the same lie two seconds after being confronted with fact-supported truth. I don't know how they do it. Over and over again. Maybe because so many reporters or cable news hosts don't press them when they give unrelated talking points instead of answers to follow-up questions. And too often there are no follow-up questions. GOP talking heads and members of Congress continue to yowl about how the President "deceived the American people" on keeping their old insurance plans. Of course that's a complex accusation involving an insurance industry that's played fast and loose with its customers for too long—and the "not being able to keep their current plan" explanation is more than most Americans' attention spans are willing to embrace. Still, I wish the Administration could/would find a way to effectively refute all the misleading information Republicans and their benefactors continue to manufacture. The smears and misinformation are taking hold; you could almost hear our President's approval rating fall to a thudding 39%, an all-time low for him. I hope it remains the all-time low.
Some Americans' anger has been carefully stoked by misleading ads and right-wing talkers telling them they're being "forced" to have different health insurance plans—in reality, plans that will actually pay their medical bills and keep them from plunging into debt or bankruptcy. That's what many uninsured or under-insured Americans have actually been forced into after finding too late that their policy didn't cover all they thought it did—or their policy was simply cancelled as they were dealing with a catastrophic illness.
So, in a fully functioning government (considering all that's going on in the Country and the world) the web site would not hold center stage in Washington and become the lead in nearly every cable news show for so long. Even the horrific devastation in the Phillipines is a sidebar, a footnote to the latest accusation about the web site! The talks with Iran on the nuclear issue? Not a big deal in comparison, it seems. But ours is no longer a fully functioning government.
All the red herrings seem to be working as planned. Far too many Americans now are focused on the problems of one web site rather than on the irresponsibility of the Republicans' government shutdown and all it cost--the treasury and the individuals seriously affected by it. And nobody's asking how the House-Senate conferee meetings are going—whether they're actually reaching some compromises. The red herrings also are intended to make us forget the Teapublicans took us dangerously close to wrecking the world economy and possibly sending us to the brink—or over the brink—over a Depression. The inquisitors at this morning's hearing will no doubt talk about web site costs to the government. Of course they didn't worry one bit about the cost of the government shutdown. They don't worry about some of their relatives getting huge goverment farm subsidies; they don't worry about refusing to cut subsidies to the oil industry, even as those companies making record profits. And they don't mind fighting for tax breaks for billionaires while voting against help for hungry children, the disabled, and our war heroes who desperately need the food assistance they've just been denied. By Republicans.
There's so much wrong with this picture, it defies words. It defies human decency. And it boggles my mind how anyone can fail to see what Republicans are doing to destroy this Country—even as they go on and on about "Obama" and the Democrats changing America. Even as they talk about "taking back their Country." I want to see our Country taken forward, out of this quagmire of insane greed and self-interest Republicans (along with the crazy election and lobbying laws) have managed to manifest. Time for Americans to wake the hell up and get informed: Step 1: Turn off Fox Noise and all the right-wing talkers. Step 2: Broaden your information sources. Spend some time in the company of facts so you'll understand what you're talking about. Step 3: Invest time in learning to think!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
A Shameful Truth
From Bill Moyers & Company: "U. S. Honors Veterans with Stirring Speeches and Painful Austerity."
I'm thinking of the cuts to SNAP (the food assistance/food stamps program) and how so many veterans will suffer because of those cuts. Unconscionable. Congressional right wingers (especially the hard-righties) do laud our service men and women and then slash programs that would help them as they help other people struggling in circumstances of poverty. My father called that "Talking out of both sides of their mouth." They seem totally unashamed of their actions. In fact, their contempt for the poor knows no bounds—let them eat cake, so to speak, our veterans included.
A right-wing radio talker had this to say about SNAP recipients: "These people depend on the government for their prosperity." That's right—prosperity. Yeah, "these people" are living high, wide and handsome, hoping one sweet potato will be enough for both children tonight and what's left of the peanut butter and bread will stretch until payday. Most of "these people" do work for what passes for a living. Many work for corporate entities that manage to contribute to Congressional campaigns even as they begrudge their workers even a piddling minimum wage. Some of those workers are veterans of wars fought on behalf of this Country. For all of us. Many veterans are unable to work when they return home due to the wounds of war, wounds seen and unseen.
"These people depend on the government for their prosperity." I wish that same prosperity to every person who cast a vote to cut food assistance for our veterans and other Americans living in poverty.
Tell It, Joe!
This is an add-on to the last post. Ho, ho, ho—no one says it quite like Joe! (Image posted by Living Blue in South Carolina/Facebook; thanks, y'all!)
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Image from Formidable Republican Opposition/Facebook. "The deficit" is a red herring, like the endless Benghazi hearings and now the Republican "outrage" about the ACA web site. The Teapublicans have been spending millions (thanks to the Kochs and a few others with absurdly deep pockets) to sink the complex new program—that essentially reforms a bullying health insurance industry and builds in significant consumer protections—since Day 1. They continue to dissuade uninsured or underinsured Americans from getting coverage. Patriots? Fiscally responsible? Familly values? C'mon!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Insurance Company Exploitation
This is too important not to share. Check out Talking Points Memo:
Across the country, insurance companies have sent misleading letters to consumers, trying to lock them into the companies' own, sometimes more expensive, health insurance plans rather than let them shop for insurance and tax credits on the Obamacare marketplaces.
A policyholder who received one of the infamous "cancellation letters" from her insurer says, "People who are afraid of the ACA should be much more afraid of the insurance companies who will exploit their fear and end up overcharging them."
AND here's an article on the subject of junk insurance policies from South Carolina's The State newspaper; the piece originated in The L.A. Times, but still . . . . Now the insurance companies are being exposed for what they're doing. Better late that never? Let's hope so!
Note: I tested this link twice and it wouldn't "go" -- worth copying and pasting in browser window if you're interested in seeing the piece.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Affordable/Better Health Care
A thoughtful, comprehensive piece in New York Magazine is well worth the reading time.
". . . Conservatives have portrayed their war against the exchanges as a desperate last stand against Obamacare and for freedom as we know it. History is replete with previous examples of last stands. Ronald Reagan warned conservatives in 1961 that if Medicare passed into law, 'one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.'"
That dramatic statement from President Reagan pales in comparison to the ginned up horror stories the right has concocted and perpetuated in its fervor to kill the Affordable Care Act and deny President Obama this hard-earned legacy.
And here's an excellent editorial from the New York Times — "Insurance Policies Not Worth Keeping": http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/03/opinion/sunday/insurance-policies-not-worth-keeping.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0
". . . This overblown controversy has also obscured the crux of what health care reform is trying to do, which is to guarantee that everyone can buy insurance without being turned away or charged exorbitant rates for pre-existing conditions and that everyone can receive benefits that really protect them against financial or medical disaster, not illusory benefits that prove inadequate when a crisis strikes."
Addendum: Just seeing a piece about Bill Moyers' Friday night PBS show and the ACA. Moyers is always worth sharing. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/11/01/bill-moyers-republicans-stalked-obamacare-like-jack-the-ripper/
Good reading to recommend to misguided Fox-watching relatives when you gather for Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Radicals Replace Republicans
Liz Cheney is part of the radical movement, and she's running for the U.S. Senate against Wyoming incumbent Republican, Mike Enzi. Here's a snapshot of that race from Molly Ball at The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/10/the-cheneys-will-stop-at-nothing-to-get-liz-elected-to-the-senate/281048/
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