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Monday, October 28, 2013

Wooo Hooo—Let Freedom Ring!

  Dedicated to the memory of Ann Richards, Barbara Jordan, and Molly Ivins.


  11/3/13 - Addendum to original post:  Sadly, another Court has nixed the ruling that would have kept women's health services fully operational in Texas.  I'll be reading more about this.  Let's all stay plugged in.  The Republicans have problems with "government interference" in their health care but none about government interference with their most personal possession:  their bodies.  Women's bodies, that is.  Efforts to ban contraception, opposing scientifically accurate sex education in schools, transvaginal ultrasounds . . . and of course outlaw abortion, a legal right under the U. S. Constitution.  A smart woman once said, "If men could become pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."  Amen sister.  Amen.



This summer the Texas legislature blew off the Constitution to put the little ladies of the Lone Star State in their places—back decades in time where they belong, right?  The radical right passed a law restricting women's rights to certain legal health care services.  Could be dangerous to let those feminists have too much power.  No telling what they might do.   Democrats pulled out all the stops—including Senator Wendy Davis with her amazing filibuster—to halt the Republicans' foolish action; however, in the end women's health services that included pregnancy termination were outlawed.  The law was enacted and signed by Governor Rick Perry, and—to no one's surprise— was causing a third of the abortion clinics in that big state to close, limiting or eliminating many, many women's options.  That was the point, after all. 


Today on "Politics Nation" there was a montage of Republican talkers making outrageous statements about women.  Someone said it looked more like a SNL montage, and another responded that it was more like a "Flintstones" montage, because it was sheer caveman talk.  Rush Limbaugh squawked that "chickification" is happening in this country and of course went on the ridicule that.  We smart, elitist women pay no attention to Rush; actually we don't listen to Rush.  Anyway, the montage clearly showed that the term "War on Women" is no exaggeration.  Disgusting, yes,  but also outrageous to the point of being on the edge of amusing.  Too bad Fox watchers won't change the channel now and then to get some real news.


Happily, this day ended with some excellent news.  District Judge Lee Yeakel has ruled that the restrictive law cannot be implemented; regulations restrict women's constitutional rights and the rights of medical doctors to determine what is best for their patients.


Today I'm grateful for the judicial system and that the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law prevailed.  Be advised, you radical righties:  We women will not go back.  Members of state legislatures and Congress who want to protect the world from powerful women, I have some advice: Give it a rest; turn your attention to something more productive.  There will be an abundance of estrogen at the polls, nationwide, in 2014.   Yes, we women will be voting in numbers that will surprise you.  Those of you who fear women will soon have your fears validated!  Yep, you'll be looking for a hobby.


Tonight I'll be going to bed with a vision of Texas turning blue and Governor Davis at the helm of the ship of state.  I've done my happy dance once and just might repeat it.  Woooo hoooo—let freedom ring!

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy to see the judge's action today. Made it easier to believe in our system.
    Go, Wendy!
