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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Presidential Empathy Revealed

I've spoken out more than once about the disrespect and hatred aimed at President Obama—from subtle, thinly veiled signs to openly hostile declarations.  Then there are the complaints—even from supporters—that this President is "cold" and "should express more feelings."  He's "aloof" and "uncaring."  I believe the "coldness" some see is an effort to offer the American people the dignity the office deserves.  (We didn't have that under the previous administration.  President Bush was a back-slapper, a schmoozer, and, to his friends, a good fellow.  He was friendly to just about everybody. Friendliness is not a bad thing.) But President Obama doesn't do schmoozing; his steady, calm, and collected demeanor has earned him the designation of "No drama Obama." Many times I've been thankful this steady,  calm and thoughtful man is the leader of the free world.


What do we have instead of an ever-smiling, inappropriate comments, and grins that don't match a serious message in the face of tragedy?  Sincerity.  Empathy.  Tenderness.  With President Obama, compassion doesn't show itself in every photo op.  But it's there.  To see great love and tenderness, watch him interacting with his daughters or the First Lady sometime.


The depth of his compassion was evident as he spoke to the people in Tucson; that was, of course, after the shootings that killed or injured innocent Americans meeting with Congresswoman Gabby Giffords on a street corner one bright Saturday morning.  And it was the same when he spoke in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook following the massacre of young children and their teachers.  I've seen him talking about soldiers returning home, whether horribly wounded or in flag-draped coffins.  Make no mistake: President Barack Obama is a caring man, capable of feeling and expressing empathy.  We know because we've seen him in his role as "comforter in chief." 


An article at HuffPost expands what we know about President Obama's response to the Sandy Hook shootings. About his meetings with families of the victims.  If you're a fan of our President, the piece by Joshua Dubois will warm your heart and make it ache all over again.  If you are someone who believes we have a cold President with an empathy deficiency, this excerpt from Dubois's book, "The President's Devotional," might change your mind.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who thinks our President is uncaring or not empathetic has his head buried in the sand and his mind and eyes closed!
