My head is filled with unprocessed thoughts, so I'll try to sort them out here.
First of all, have you noticed that all the really big news of the world stopped being important the moment those bombs went off in Boston? Of course that was big news. Very big. Ten days later . . . I still haven't heard a word about North Korea and the chance of the kid aiming a nuclear weapon at Austin, possibly interrupting a really good concert, film, or "Austin City Limits." That was news, aired with nearly nonstop urgency before the bombs went off.
Today—between commentary on the aftermath of Boston and ads for erectile dysfunction remedies— there was some brief reporting on how the "Sequester" is impacting air travel. My friend Pat was here for a visit and returning to Colorado late yesterday. She reported after a 3-hour wait at Myrtle Beach Airport (not complaining even once, by the way) that only one runway was open in Charlotte where her connecting flight would be. That was due to furloughing air traffic controllers because of the "sequester." Miracles do happen and she made her connection. If some Members of Congress, especially Republican members, are inconvenienced, maybe we'll see some positive action, even some serious work on reasonable budget cuts. Mercy.
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Good news that did come through today: Eiizabeth Colbert Busch is 9 points ahead of Mark Sanford in South Carolina's First Congressional District race! Settle down. Let's not celebrate just yet. Please contact any and every registered voter you know in the Charleston or Beaufort areas of SC and urge them to vote for Elizabeth on May 7. Be sure they realize she's not one of the Bush dynasty. Spell B U S C H very slowly.
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I'm liking Chris Hayes and his new show "All In" at 8 pm on MSNBC. Steve Korancki has taken over "Up" on Saturday mornings, 8 -10. I think it works. Still wondering where/ when Ed Shultz can be seen on weekends.
From Rachel Maddow's fan page via Forward Progressives/Facebook:
Can't top that. Goodnight, lovable Lefties.
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