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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ECB: Stronger than Cardboard

Mark Sanford's a fast talker, slick as duck grease on a door handle.  And he has more than his share of debate experience. On the other hand, Elizabeth Colbert Busch is a relative rookie in the art of debate; yet she did an admirable job of using her personal power and her strong commitment to "all citizens of South Carolina's First District" to come out with what I believe was a clear win.  She kept her cool, answered questions honestly and with confidence; he tried hard as he could to trip her up, but she just stayed on track and said what needed to be said.  


No doubt Elizabeth Colbert Busch IS "real people," the breath of fresh air Washington needs.  And hers is the voice we all need in Congress.   Let's help her get there:  Send a contribution, contact friends in the district to be sure they're planning to vote.  We need to shepherd in every vote possible.  I've said again and again that special elections are tricky;  So let's stay focused through May 7 until the last voter has voted and the polls are closed.  One week from today!

Go, Elizabeth, go!

1 comment:

  1. I like that Mark Sanford aligned himself with Bill Clinton on a moral plane. Clinton was impeached and has never again run for public office. He has instead led a lot of public service efforts since leaving the tax payers' payroll. What has Mark Sanford done since leaving office that would justify returning him to a tax payer-funded salary?
