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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Marriage Equality on the Line at SCOTUS

I bet Hell is fabulous!  That’s what the woman's sign said.  She was wearing a wonderfully outrageous costume to complement the sign.  Her counter to the hard-right’s threats of hellfire and damnation for non-straight humans got to me in a good way.  Gave me a good laugh.

The woman and her sign were part of a crowd—assorted patriots who have planted themselves outside the Supreme Court (SCOTUS, if you want to use the abbreviation that sounds like an intimate body part).  I heard that Rob Reiner (movie actor turned director) paid someone to hold his spot—the first in line to get into the courtroom this morning. It’s a big day, and watching the crowd makes me think:  This is what Democracy is supposed to look like.  People taking time to show up and express themselves in their own unique ways.  Some are creatively dressed in costume and using humor to get their serious points across.   Other earnest, more scholarly ones, are speaking from the cold marble steps.  They’re all in this together, there to witness a momentous day for marriage equality.   They’re in this together.  We’re all in this together.  Civil rights—our constitutional rights—apply to each and all of us.  When one group is discriminated against, we’re all discriminated against.  We all lose. We are one body, we Americans.  Hurt one part of a body and the whole body suffers.  Deny rights to one of us, and we're all limited.

Today the justices hear arguments on California’s Proposition 8; tomorrow it’s  DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act.  Given what I’ve read and heard—and based on my generally reliable common sense—it’s hard to imagine a ruling in either case that doesn’t honor marriage equality.  How it can be viewed as anything but a constitutional right is beyond me.  And that right should be a matter of Federal law, not to be decided by the States.   We don't VOTE on whether to "give" citizens their constitutional rights!   A right is not a personal-preference.  Mercy.

But it’s also beyond me how proponents of continuing marriage discrimination argue their point with words not remotely related to the facts, much less the truth.  Did you see Ralph Reid and Hilary Rosen’s exchange on “Meet the Press” Sunday?  It’s a good example of how the “Christian Right” ignores facts, polls and the opinion of the majority of Americans.  Here’s a link:

Even though it's hard to imagine a ruling that doesn't affirm equality,  we can't be sure of the ultimate decisions.  We can only share our truth in this and all things as best we can whenever we can—and surround the court with positive thoughts for a fair and just outcome.  Keep the faith, you with the big Liberal hearts.  And I will do the same.

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