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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Guns, Guns and Guns

The City Council of Nelson, Georgia, unanimously approved an ordinance mandating that the head of every household own a gun.  And get this:  The final vote on this “Family Protection Act” is scheduled for April 1.  Foolish, yes, but no joke.

So, all the people living in fear that the bad ole government is comin’ for their guns might want to see how this social experiment works out.  Infinite possibilities.


Here's a scenario:  Ms. Jones hears Mr. Smith yelling at Mrs. Smith, rapid-firing the F-word like it’s coming from one of those multi-bullet clips.   Should she intervene?  After all, she’s an armed citizen now, a surrogate officer of the law in a sense.  Is she expected to prevent domestic violence when she hears signs thereof coming through the window-screens so loud they’re scaring off the flies?  Then comes a big thud.  Okay. That’s it.  She takes out her Glock and feels a burning in her right wrist.  She makes a mental note to get herself back to the Christian fitness and praise group Saturday morning.  Gotta get stronger to be armed and dangerous. 

She can’t come up with a best-approach option.  Should she call out “Citizen’s arrest!” when she gets to the door?  Or maybe just knock real hard:   “Yoooo hooo, neighbors, y’all need to simmer down now.  Count to ten, Brother Smith.”

Ms. Jones realizes Mr. Smith, as head of that household, would have a gun of his own.  Maybe even a semi-automatic something or other.   She returns the gun to the old tin breadbox and decides to turn up the TV while she bakes them a pie.



Here we’ve been in post 9/11 “protect America mode”— like not allowing a potentially dangerous full-size bottle of shampoo or baby formula on an airplane.  Yet elected American officials are now passing ordinances in city halls and laws in state legislatures allowing loaded firearms almost anywhere.  Almost everywhere.  How about guns in bars?  It’s  happening.  Now there’s a to-die-for night out.

Would you like to be seated at a bar, restaurant, concert, church, or anywhere near someone carrying a loaded gun?  Possibly someone with anger management issues?  Possibly with mental health challenges?  Possibly somebody who’s just a mean sumbitch?   Not me, Jack.  How about sitting next to an armed stranger in a crowded movie theater?  He reaches for a Milk Dud and his gun goes off.  Could happen.



Last night I heard Oregon State Senator Ginny Burdick talking about how pro-gun activists motivated her to cancel a meeting on gun safety laws. Apparently they’d given signs they’d be disruptive. 

When Senator Burdick arrived home that evening, members of this armed pro-gun group were there to videotape her arrival.  Much later, they were still there to film as she pushed her garbage cart to the curb.  Then these gun-totin’ citizens posted the video on the internet . . . So, anybody who’s interested can see exactly where this Senator who favors gun safety lives.  Creepy? Yep.

What do you think about two men walking around a residential area carrying big ole guns and saying, when asked, that they are “just educating people on their second amendment rights.”   No way that’s going to lead to anything but trouble.  Here's what has to say about carrying guns in public: 

You may be a gun idiot if... you don't realize that, by carrying weapons in public, you require public law enforcement to focus on you and not the real criminals who may be in the area you are in. You are effectively nullifying law enforcement in that area. And what would you expect any police force to focus on more than someone carrying a gun in public? Are they supposed to think "Oh, since he's showing his rifle in public, he must be carrying it legally..." Like criminals can't figure that out!!!???.

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