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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Impressive Finish, Madame Secretary

Looking for an example of phenomenal personal and professional growth?  Consider Hillary Clinton. Think of her as the idealistic young woman who came before Congress in the early 90’s on an unsuccessful mission to sell the Clinton health care proposal.  Then, see her as Secretary of State Clinton testifying this morning before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  (This is the committee looking at the assault in Benghazi, Libya that took the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three staff members.)

I should let you know that I’m not a “Hillary worshipper” (a term already appearing in comments by right wingers this morning).  In fact,  I voted for President Obama in 2008.   I am a Hillary admirer though and hope to vote for her in 2016.

In her next-to-final official Capitol Hill appearance as Secretary of State (She’ll testify for a House Committee at 2 pm), she was clear about accepting full responsibility for Benghazi and the safety of all the State Department's (approximately 70,000) employee.  She wanted to learn everything there was to know about what happened and why; she instructed that everything that could be revealed (from the standpoint of security) be out in the open.

Forceful at times, she showed considerable passion and a flash of defiance responding to inane questions by Senator Ron Johnson. Ms. Hillary doesn’t suffer fools gladly.  Or at all!   Believe me, that exchange was must-see TV.  She chewed him up and spit him out—with all due respect, of course.

Mostly, our Secretary of State was steady-on, self-possessed, confident and consistently clear.  Even with antagonistic questions, she never seemed defensive.  Even on the brink of tears as she described meeting the plane that brought the flag-draped coffins back from Benghazi and embracing the families, she was very much in control.  In full possession of her personal power, she didn’t appear arrogant, even though brighter and better informed than most of her interrogators.  That must have been hard to pull off.

The Democrats, and some Republicans, commended her on the job she has done.  Madame Secretary was gracious about the praise, also poised and fully prepared.  Anyone who knows her history and work habits won’t be surprised by her preparedness,   She brought her “I’m comfortable here, so do your best” attitude.   She was respectful of committee members without giving away her power.

Even when Rand Paul (R-KY) indulged in abrasive, self-promoting ridicule, making statements rather than asking constructive questions, this woman was cool.  Somehow in my mind’s eye I see the Senator from Kentucky wearing a court jester’s costume; he can be amusing when I don’t allow myself to be outraged.  It's especially entertaining when he pretends to know things. I think he tries to cover up his lack of understanding and knowledge by pontificating—not only today but often.  (For example saying again and again that the President should “lead,” should “be a leader.”  Then, after the President signed executive orders in an effort to decrease gun violence, Sen. Paul said the President “wants to be king.”  Jeeez.) Today Sen. Paul said, had he been President (a chilling thought), he’d have fired her.  “Removed her from her post.”  I ask you: In what version of Hell would Rand Paul be president?

When Senator McCain—transparent in his insatiable need to slam the President—challenged the Secretary, she calmly suggested that he read both the classified and unclassified reports of the Administrative Review Board chaired by Admiral Mullen and Ambassador Pickering.  Remember, Secretary Clinton appointed the independent review board to ensure investigations and recommendations would be policy-focused rather than tainted by politics.  The Secretary not only accepted the recommendations of the ARB but implemented them. 

In closing, I’ll say it didn’t hurt that Madam Secretary was wearing some serious black-framed glasses that said (to me):  Do not even think about screwing with me.  I hope she polishes those suckers to a fare ye well before she takes on the House Committee at 2.   No doubt it will be less civil than the Senate session; whatever happens this afternoon, my money's on Hillary.


  1. Dear Lucy,
    A wonderful report on the performance of Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton. I have not heard the report yet but will comment again after listening to it later today.

  2. Thank you for an informative look at the hearing. This Hillary Worshipper appreciates it!

  3. Dear Lucy! Great piece on Hillary. I heard bits of her on NPR yesterday and now I will surely google till I can get the TV version. I was so proud of her, both for showing emotion (getting teary) and for kicking ass when she got fed up with inane questioning. Thanks, LP
