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Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Hard to imagine anyone voting against stopping violence toward women, but too many Republicans did.  Some of the same people who tried to decree transvaginal ultrasounds and outlawing certain forms of birth control.  As I' said in an earlier post, much of the legislating to restrict women's health choices are happening at the state level now.  Let's keep our eyes open and be aware of what's going on and, of course, do what we can to stop the outrageous restrictions, the denial of our freedom and privacy.

Of course it's hard to imagine anyone not voting to curb violence of any kind.  Toward any human or animal.  Hard for me to imagine, at any rate.  Senator Diane Feinstein has introduced a bill to make gun violence a less-than-ordinary occurrence in our culture.  I see her proposal as a reasonable, somewhat modest, approach.  Of course any regulation of firearms, including this bill, will be met with heavily-funded opposition.  Let's watch the progress of this bill and make our voices heard with phone calls and emails to our own Congressional delegation and other key members of Congress.

If you want to make bets on which members of Congress will oppose smart gun regulation, follow the NRA's money,   See my December 15, 2012 post to do that.   Meanwhile, let's pay attention and speak up - even when our voices shake!

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