Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook
WELCOME! Good to have you here.
You have power. Use it wisely. Make it matter.
At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.
Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Hard to imagine anyone voting against stopping violence toward women, but too many Republicans did. Some of the same people who tried to decree transvaginal ultrasounds and outlawing certain forms of birth control. As I' said in an earlier post, much of the legislating to restrict women's health choices are happening at the state level now. Let's keep our eyes open and be aware of what's going on and, of course, do what we can to stop the outrageous restrictions, the denial of our freedom and privacy.
Of course it's hard to imagine anyone not voting to curb violence of any kind. Toward any human or animal. Hard for me to imagine, at any rate. Senator Diane Feinstein has introduced a bill to make gun violence a less-than-ordinary occurrence in our culture. I see her proposal as a reasonable, somewhat modest, approach. Of course any regulation of firearms, including this bill, will be met with heavily-funded opposition. Let's watch the progress of this bill and make our voices heard with phone calls and emails to our own Congressional delegation and other key members of Congress.
If you want to make bets on which members of Congress will oppose smart gun regulation, follow the NRA's money, See my December 15, 2012 post to do that. Meanwhile, let's pay attention and speak up - even when our voices shake!
Of course it's hard to imagine anyone not voting to curb violence of any kind. Toward any human or animal. Hard for me to imagine, at any rate. Senator Diane Feinstein has introduced a bill to make gun violence a less-than-ordinary occurrence in our culture. I see her proposal as a reasonable, somewhat modest, approach. Of course any regulation of firearms, including this bill, will be met with heavily-funded opposition. Let's watch the progress of this bill and make our voices heard with phone calls and emails to our own Congressional delegation and other key members of Congress.
If you want to make bets on which members of Congress will oppose smart gun regulation, follow the NRA's money, See my December 15, 2012 post to do that. Meanwhile, let's pay attention and speak up - even when our voices shake!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
A Lesson About Bullying
A teacher in New York was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stamp on it and really mess it up, but do not rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty is was. She then told them to tell it they’re sorry. Now even though they said they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, she pointed out all the scars they left behind. And that those scars will never go away no matter how hard they tried to fix it. That is what happens when a child bully’s another child, they may say they’re sorry but the scars are there forever. The looks on the faces of the children in the classroom told her the message hit home. Pass it on or better yet, if you're a parent or a teacher, do it with your child/children.
(from Wiping Out Homophobia via Facebook)
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Impressive Finish, Madame Secretary
Looking for an example of phenomenal personal and professional growth? Consider Hillary Clinton. Think of her as the idealistic young woman who came before Congress in the early 90’s on an unsuccessful mission to sell the Clinton health care proposal. Then, see her as Secretary of State Clinton testifying this morning before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. (This is the committee looking at the assault in Benghazi, Libya that took the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three staff members.)
I should let you know that I’m not a “Hillary worshipper” (a term already appearing in comments by right wingers this morning). In fact, I voted for President Obama in 2008. I am a Hillary admirer though and hope to vote for her in 2016.
In her next-to-final official Capitol Hill appearance as Secretary of State (She’ll testify for a House Committee at 2 pm), she was clear about accepting full responsibility for Benghazi and the safety of all the State Department's (approximately 70,000) employee. She wanted to learn everything there was to know about what happened and why; she instructed that everything that could be revealed (from the standpoint of security) be out in the open.
Forceful at times, she showed considerable passion and a flash of defiance responding to inane questions by Senator Ron Johnson. Ms. Hillary doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Or at all! Believe me, that exchange was must-see TV. She chewed him up and spit him out—with all due respect, of course.
Mostly, our Secretary of State was steady-on, self-possessed, confident and consistently clear. Even with antagonistic questions, she never seemed defensive. Even on the brink of tears as she described meeting the plane that brought the flag-draped coffins back from Benghazi and embracing the families, she was very much in control. In full possession of her personal power, she didn’t appear arrogant, even though brighter and better informed than most of her interrogators. That must have been hard to pull off.
The Democrats, and some Republicans, commended her on the job she has done. Madame Secretary was gracious about the praise, also poised and fully prepared. Anyone who knows her history and work habits won’t be surprised by her preparedness, She brought her “I’m comfortable here, so do your best” attitude. She was respectful of committee members without giving away her power.
Even when Rand Paul (R-KY) indulged in abrasive, self-promoting ridicule, making statements rather than asking constructive questions, this woman was cool. Somehow in my mind’s eye I see the Senator from Kentucky wearing a court jester’s costume; he can be amusing when I don’t allow myself to be outraged. It's especially entertaining when he pretends to know things. I think he tries to cover up his lack of understanding and knowledge by pontificating—not only today but often. (For example saying again and again that the President should “lead,” should “be a leader.” Then, after the President signed executive orders in an effort to decrease gun violence, Sen. Paul said the President “wants to be king.” Jeeez.) Today Sen. Paul said, had he been President (a chilling thought), he’d have fired her. “Removed her from her post.” I ask you: In what version of Hell would Rand Paul be president?
When Senator McCain—transparent in his insatiable need to slam the President—challenged the Secretary, she calmly suggested that he read both the classified and unclassified reports of the Administrative Review Board chaired by Admiral Mullen and Ambassador Pickering. Remember, Secretary Clinton appointed the independent review board to ensure investigations and recommendations would be policy-focused rather than tainted by politics. The Secretary not only accepted the recommendations of the ARB but implemented them.
In closing, I’ll say it didn’t hurt that Madam Secretary was wearing some serious black-framed glasses that said (to me): Do not even think about screwing with me. I hope she polishes those suckers to a fare ye well before she takes on the House Committee at 2. No doubt it will be less civil than the Senate session; whatever happens this afternoon, my money's on Hillary.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
January 22, 1973 - Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
The road to women's reproductive freedom was paved when a pregnant single woman known as "Jane Roe" brought a class action suit questioning the constitutionality of the Texas criminal abortion laws. (Roe was the alias for plaintiff Norma McCorvey; "Wade," the defendant, refers to Henry B. Wade, District Attorney for Dallas County, Texas.) At that time Texas law prohibited procuring or attempting an abortion, the one exception being cases in which a doctor determined the procedure necessary for saving the mother's life.
At the tender age of 26, gutsy Texas attorney Sarah Wedding successfully argued "Roe" before nine male Supreme Court justices. A huge victory. Ms. Wedding appeared on Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC show today; one thing that got my attention as she spoke: . . .(paraphrased here) Before Roe, Texas law prohibited a woman from getting contraception without certification that she was within six weeks of marriage! Beyond belief? Nope, not at that time. I share that flashback for the younger women among us who probably can't fathom such an archaic and humiliating restriction of women's rights. Believe me, there were restrictions and humiliations a-plenty. Results of a recent poll indicated that many younger Americans have no clue what Roe v. Wade is.
The case was argued before the "big court" December 13, 1971 and the decision was handed down forty years ago today. This historic decision overturned a Texas interpretation of abortion law and makes abortion legal in the United States. The Roe v. Wade decision said that a woman, with her doctor, could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without legal restriction, with restrictions later in a pregnancy, based on the right to privacy.
There's something worth noting on this significant day—something that requires our vigilance. Since this landmark decision, those who oppose reproductive rights have taken their fight to dismantle women's rights to state legislatures. I understand that approximately 750 reproductive restrictions have been enacted by the states. Of course the Republican majority in Congress introduced a variety of bills to shrink women's reproductive rights, including proposals to de-fund Planned Parenthood. (Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards reminds us that pregnancy terminations represent only a small percentage— 3% or is it 5%?— of their services which include counseling, birth control, and cancer screenings using pap smears and mammography. In fact, Planned Parenthood serves huge numbers of women who can't afford their own private physician.
I'm grateful for courageous women like Sarah Wedding, Norma McCorvey, and the countless sister-friends who worked so hard for reproductive rights for all women— and for those working now to sustain them. Perhaps we'll join those working to ensure that freedom continues to be a reality. (Check out Planned Parenthood and NARAL for starters if you want to stay informed and/or become involved.)
Here's some information on efforts to dismantle women's reproductive choices from Pro Choice America/NARAL and a link to their site for more insights:
At the federal level, the 112th Congress (2011-2012) took 14 votes on choice: 10 in the House of Representatives and four in the Senate. Thankfully, the pro-choice-controlled Senate and President Barack Obama served as firewalls and blocked many anti-choice measures from advancing, most notably defeating Sen. Roy Blunt's (R-MO) attempt to undermine the nation's new contraceptive-coverage policy, and in the House, thwarting efforts to ban abortion after 20 weeks in the District of Columbia (H.R.3803) and criminalize doctors for the reasons women seek abortion care (H.R.3541).
At the state level, among the 42 anti-choice measures newly enacted in 2012, the most prominent trends were: bans on abortion care after 20 weeks; laws prohibiting abortion coverage in state health-insurance exchanges; and laws that prohibit state funds from going to Planned Parenthood or to any health center that provides abortion services.
Let's stay tuned to Congress and our State Legislatures to monitor what they're up to; only when we're informed can we make our voices heard and make sure bad bills don't become law. Those who oppose Roe v. Wade are hard at work; I'll give them credit for determination. It looks like they decided, if they can't get Roe reversed, they'll become metaphorical dentists and yank the teeth out of our current law. In fact, they're using an assortment of means to that end at both the state and federal levels. We can't allow ourselves to be complacent about our freedom. Ironically, Roe opponents are usually the ones you will hear beating the drum for less government and more personal freedom. Except when that freedom involves a woman's privacy and the ability to make decisions about her own body. Amazing.
Soon I'd like to write about the terms "pro life" and "pro choice." Clearer terminology is imperative. If we must use labels, let them be accurate! Most people I know are "pro life" and also "pro choice." Let me hear your thoughts on this subject. Thanks!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Hail to the Chief!
The Battle Hymn of the Republic is ringing out as I post this photo, the Brooklyn Choir doing it up right. I'm having chills that aren't weather-related. There's a lump in my throat. I'm trusting "Happy" my laptop not to electrocute me if a few tears find their way into the keyboard.
(I feel for non-Liberals/Progressives/Dems/open-minded others who stumble onto Lucy Left and see my effusive joy in this day.) I see joy in the faces of the crowd. I'm feeling special pride and joy in our black brothers and sisters in the crowd and where a long, hard journey has taken them on this day. I'm honoring the memory of Dr. King ... and celebrating Barack Obama, our President!
GLORY, GLORY to the 44th President of the United States of America. We'll have your back, sir.
Inauguration Day!!!
Photo by Lyn Phillips from First Inauguration of President Barack Obama.
Lyn's memories of attending President Obama's first inauguration: the huge concert on the Mall, the SC Ball, the Air & Space Museum Ball, walking in the freezing cold to the inauguration in a massive crowd of the most peaceful, happiest, diverse people; people watching in trees; a million-plus people all being kind and courteous to each other... and experiencing the event itself. Amazing.... will never forget it.
Once again, it's cold in D.C. this morning. Cozy in my South Carolina living room, I'm noticing feelings different in some ways than I experienced on the morning of the first Obama Inauguration. As then, there's immense pride and respect for the President who has been willing to take on leadership of this troubled country. At a time when the world seems to be tilting on its axis from fear, strife, hate and hardship.
But there's no rush of heady excitement this time— because I know what he's facing; that is, what is knowable at this point. There will be unexpected challenges, no doubt. Also, now I'm more aware of the magnitude of mindless hate that too many feel for this President. There's more a sense of relief and gratitude than excitement today. I'm feeling a a little comfortable, dancing on the edge of confidence. I wouldn't want anyone else at the helm of our battered ship of state. Would you?
This President is an honorable man—like you and me, a human being with gifts and flaws. An earnest man who carefully thinks his way through problems that come before him. He is wise enough to ask for the counsel of others. He's thoughtful and measured in his words and actions. Those things give me great comfort and peace. He's steady. No drama, right? He won't steer the ship into the rocks. I'm grateful to have him as our leader at this time in our history.
Some people grow older and wiser. Others just grow older. It's evident that President Obama has grown wiser to the ways of the Republicans in Washington and in general. He seems to have given up the role of Charlie Brown, trusting them to hold the ball while he kicks it. They've pulled the football and the rug out from under him too many times as he continued trying to heal the partisan divide. He had high hopes for doing that, I think. Just turned out that the other Party wanted only to see him defeated on every issue, even on issues they favored until he joined them! They wanted to see him defeated in 2012—wanted it far more than getting people back to work and the country back on its feet.
This President has the passion, determination, and the wisdom of experience to make things happen, with or without the obstructionists. A preview of coming attractions: Signing Executive Orders to increase safety in the face of accelerating gun violence. I sense a fire in his belly, a passion unhampered by re-election considerations. He seems to have removed "bi-partisanship" from its lofty place on his priority list. Now he's just there to get the job done. And I believe he will.
During the last Inaugural festivities"hope" was everywhere I looked in the 1.8 million crowd. Four years later, there's no doubt in my mind that this time it's "change"that's in the air. I can feel it. Can you?
Saturday, January 19, 2013
A Short, Historic Life: 1929 - 1968
I'm thankful for this precious little boy who grew up to be a hero. Certainly one of my greatest heroes. He was all about nonviolence and nonviolent activism—for us here in the United States and countless humans around the world. We need him to help change our culture of ever-accelerating violence now. May his spirit somehow open the hearts and minds of those in Congress who will attempt to block the President's proposals. Those would be the proposals intended to make our country safer by enacting new gun laws.
My friend Lyn Phillips, a woman with a sharp mind and a beautiful heart, posted the photo on Facebook. Here's what she had to say about it: THANK YOU, UNIVERSE, for this child... who grew up to lead the way for us... He surely changed my life and the lives of millions... the hero of my lifetime.
* * *
Dr. King, this year on January 21 (the day your birthday is officially celebrated here in the U.S.) our first African American President will take the oath of office for a second term! And, in case you don't know, he'll be using your traveling Bible. Without your courageous work, this would not be happening.
How could the hardest among us look at the innocent face in this photo and not feel—what? I feel great tenderness seeing you at this young age. And it's pride and respect I feel recalling images of the adult you. I feel those things and awe. You understood that your work was likely to end your life far too soon, but that didn't stop you. Nothing deterred you from your faithful, tireless efforts to gain greater equality for all Americans. What a legacy! Thank you. Thank you!
* * *
Lucy readers, if you want to give yourselves a wonderful gift, take time to read Dr. King's letter from the Birmingham jail. If you've never read it, you have a treat in store. There's so much richness and wisdom in it, I'm struck by something new each time I read it. Here you go:
January 15, 1929 — April 4, 1968
Friday, January 18, 2013
Jubilation - Our President's Got Plans!
On Wednesday I posted the following comment on Facebook, just after the President's speech outlining proposals for new gun safety measures:
I've always respected President Obama, and never been prouder of him than I am today. If you missed what he just had to say about reducing gun violence in our country, do yourself a favor and find it online. Please watch and listen. Then contact your Congress members to ask for their support on the new safety proposals soon to come before them. No matter what our political affiliations or absence thereof, we're all in this together. Let's be united on this critical issue. Please.
Because this issue has left a hole in my heart and most human hearts, I counted the number of "Likes"—and I took the comments to heart, as well. Only one responder didn't agree with the President's and the Biden Task Force's recommendations. They're taking big steps to bring greater safety to our culture of ever-growing gun violence. Here's one of the comments affirming the President's plans and my comments:
This is the perfect sentiment, and I agree 100%! Will be contacting our reps today.
And here's what a relative of mine had to say.
Yes please take my guns rights, a good law abiding citizen, meanwhile knowingly let AK-47's into Mexican Drug cartels which have been linked with hundreds of deaths.
I didn't want to crank up a debate on Facebook; I do that here at Lucy Left. But I was tempted to say that since he's a good, law-abiding citizen he surely can pass the universal background check. And he shouldn't worry: The Prez will take his guns but, with the founding fathers and the 2nd Amendment in mind, he will be sure to give this young man a musket for his empty arsenal. I'm assuming he must have more than a hunting rifle. In fact, I don't think he hunts. Not sure about that though.
Please contact your Congressional delegation, too. And if they're not supporting the President on these measures, ask why not. Why not?!
Thanks to those who shared this; they're listed on the clever message/Rottenecards.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Justice Thomas Speaks!
A banner teaser at The Washington Post this morning says "Clarence Thomas breaks silence with a joke." I did not know that this Justice hasn't asked even one question of any counsel during oral arguments to the Court since 2006. Amazing. Can you imagine him sitting in silence all that time, not a single question for any of the barristers at the High Court's bar? No comments either? I can't. The why is a mystery.
My immediate thought on seeing that he had broken the silence with a joke was: Clarence Thomas IS a joke. Just not a funny joke. But in all fairness, no human being is a joke, even when our human behaviors qualify.
Thomas's wife Ginni is a big Tea Party activist and has worked as a paid lobbyist against health care reform; still, he didn't recuse himself when that case came to the top of the roster. Back in July, 2012, US News reported:
According to Thomas's 2011 financial disclosure report form, filed on May 15 and obtained Friday by Whispers [Washington Whispers is a column at USNews.], the Thomas’s invested up to $15,000 in the political lobbying firm Liberty Consulting, where Ginni Thomas continues to earn a salary and benefits. The firm lobbied actively against the healthcare law, according to liberal news magazine Mother Jones.
Ginni formed Liberty Consulting after she was criticized for her work at Liberty Central, a non-profit tea party organization that also lobbied against the health care law.
In March of this year, Liberty Central was the subject of a letter sent to the IRS by Common Cause, a nonprofit that works for government accountability. The letter argued that Liberty Central violated the proportionality rule for non-profits because the majority of its activities were designed to help Republican candidates.
(To read more, go to http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2012/07/02/new-financial-forms-show-clarence-thomass-wife-continued-to-lobby-against-healthcare-in-2011.)
Due to the activism of Ginni Thomas, there was an outcry from progressives for Justice Thomas to recuse himself when the affordable care act came before the Court. In fact, 100,000 Americans signed a petition, and the issue was also raised by members of Congress and the media. Still, Thomas stubbornly refused to take himself out of the deliberations.
I was sadly disappointed when Thomas was appointed, did not think he should have been. My initial disappointment back then was only the beginning of many head-scratching moments, only the beginning of my ongoing amazement that this man is actually a member of the highest court in our Country.
I'm kicking myself off this blog for now; it's the last day of the current string of global warming days, and I intend to get out in it! Maybe visit the ocean. I'll leave you for now with the link to the Post piece. Later, friends.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Good Advice for This Time, All Time
Rumi is one of my favorite advisers of all time. This verse might have been written to help us heal in the aftermath Sandy Hook and from all the turmoil around gun reform. Since Rumi was born in the 13th Century, this wasn't written for our time or circumstances. But thank you, dear teacher; we need all the peace and calm we can get right now.
This is Rumi translated by Daniel Ladinsky and posted on Facebook this morning by Joan Borysenko.
A voice that calms, movements that calm,
eyes that quiet- dreams that also do the
same, and enliven too...
Be a precious donor of peace and hope
Give love to all you meet,
for so many in this world are being torn
Friday, January 11, 2013
Guns and a Guest Activist-Writer
The mental health component of background checks needs to apply to the current gun owners I've seen on cable news this evening. They're running amok, one fellow vowing to "start killing people" if anybody tries to mess with his guns. And I also learned there will be a "Gun Appreciation Day" around the time we celebrate the birth of the prince of nonviolence himself, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Jeeeeez, people. Timing? Really?
Rush was announcing "they're" going to do a "gun grab." I think he means the bad ole government is planning to confiscate your hunting rifle. Or the little number you carry in your handbag just in case there's someone with an assault weapon at the Piggly Wiggly. (I'm with the ever-astute Jon Stewart on the founding fathers and the second amendment: Everybody has the right to bear muskets.)
It's too close to bedtime to write about all the fear I saw masquerading as hate on the telly earlier. The NRA is hellbent to fight any and every effort to make our country safer, especially anything coming out of the White House. I hope the Administration won't hold back on taking giant steps in that direction. I think it's about to happen. The big steps. Or some kind of steps. Progress. Meanwhile, gun owners need to understand that the NRA represents gun manufacturers/sellers, not gun owners. There are reasonable gun owners who favor taking steps to make our children, our schools—all public places— SAFER. Come out, come out wherever you are, and let us hear from you. Please.
Here's a reasonable gun safety advocate and friend who's speaking up:
Reinstate Assault Weapons Ban
by Bernadine Bader
My brother’s family attended a children’s mass at their church this past Christmas Eve. Toward the end of the service, unexpectedly, a man walked from the back of the church up the center aisle toward the altar. He was wearing a red suit and sporting a long, white beard. A gasp went up from the crowded church, not so much the sound of joy or surprise, but rather of consternation, especially from the adults.
Was this person part of the program? Or was he an intruder come to do harm? For a few uncomfortable, worrisome seconds, no one knew.
Such is the world we now live in. There is no more feeling safe – not at our jobs, at a shopping mall, a college campus, a nursing home, a movie theater, a first grade classroom or a house of worship, where even the arrival of a benevolent Santa Claus gives pause. Pro-gun advocates cite many reasons for the carnage in Connecticut: violent video games, mental health issues, lack of or absence of parental guidance. Each certainly plays a part.
But let’s face it. Guns make killing easy – insanely easy. Pull the trigger once and mow down a room full of first graders. Easy. There is no reason whatsoever for semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines to be in the hands of civilians. None. These are incredibly lethal weapons of war. They should be available only to the military. Period. No exceptions.
But, the argument goes, there are already over 300 million guns out there. Well, I say you have to start somewhere. So let’s start by taking these weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of the general public and giving mentally ill, angry or just-plain evil persons the means to commit mass murder.
Because of the obscene influence the NRA exerts over our “leaders,” there has been virtually no dialogue at all regarding gun control – not after Columbine, not after Lancaster, not after Virginia Tech, not after Fort Hood, not after Tucson, not after Aurora, not after the other 55 mass shootings that have taken place since 1982. It took the bullet-riddled bodies of 20 dead children to at least start us talking again. At the very least the Assault Weapons Ban which expired in 2004 should be reinstated. It’s not much, but it’s a start.
The sad fact remains that as long as we dwell on planet Earth we will always find ways of harming one another. Let’s just please make it a little harder to do so.
Baby, It's NOT Cold Outside
So, NOAA — the official temperature-taker — has announced record highs for our planet this past year. While there's nothing "official" about me, I can tell you with certainty that it's January 11, 2012 and 73 degrees outside my house, with 78 or higher predicted for tomorrow. I was out and about town earlier wearing a cotton dress, no jacket, no sweater. Lovely? Sure. Close to perfect for me. But even in the Southland these unseasonably warm temperatures are eerie. Good as it feels, it's not a good thing.
A majority of climate scientists around the world confirm that global climate change is occurring at a rapid rate. The polar icecaps are melting! How is it that so many radical right-wingers, their elected officials, and their Fox News buddies can continue to say climate change (aka "global warming") is a hoax? Have they not noticed the dramatic change in weather patterns in recent years? How can they deny the conclusions of that many scientists? They can't. So they simply deny it louder.
Here's a plausible theory on why some elected officials are naysayers when it comes to climate change: It doesn't pay to accept reality.
[Thanks to the Pragmatic Progressive for posting this on Facebook. Original sources are listed at the bottom of the photo.]
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Myth Busting on "Hitler's Gun Ban"
The Myth Of Hitler’s Gun Ban
(From propagandaprofessor.net; posted by The Pragmatic Progressive/FB)
Whenever a politician, or anyone else, starts talking about regulating guns, it’s a safe bet that someone will bring up how Hitler supposedly outlawed guns in Germany, which supposedly enabled him to do all the mischief he did. As we’ve noted before, Adolf is a staple reference among propagandists. It’s become an automatic response to compare anyone you don’t like to Der Fuhrer, on the grounds that since he was evil incarnate, everything he ever said or did must also be evil. People have even been known to suggest that since he was a vegetarian, vegetarians are evil. It’s not surprising, then, that you often see this quote pop up:
“This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!” –Adolf Hitler, 1935
Trouble is, Hitler never made such a speech in 1935. Nor is there any record that he ever spoke these particular words at all. This little “speech” was obviously written for him, many years after his death, by someone who wanted you to believe that gun registration is Hitler-evil.
What he did say, seven years later, was this: “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.”
So it’s fair to conclude that he believed “gun control” had its uses. But that’s quite a different thing from claiming that “gun control” was instrumental in the NAZI rise to power.
And the truth is that no gun law was passed in Germany in 1935. There was no need for one, since a gun registration program was already in effect in Germany; it was enacted in 1928, five years before Hitler’s ascendancy. But that law did not “outlaw” guns, it just restricted their possession to individuals who were considered law-abiding citizens, and who had a reason to own one. And there’s no reason to consider that law particularly significant, either; the NAZIs didn’t seize control of their own country with gunpowder. They used a much more potent weapon: propaganda.
Under their reign, Jews were prohibited from owning guns, just as they were prohibited from doing many things. And it has become an article of faith among the gun culture that had they been armed, the Holocaust would not have happened (that is, among those members of the gun culture who know that the Holocaust really did happen). But the concept of a handful of citizens armed with hunting rifles and Saturday night specials fending off an army is delusional hubris peculiar to gun addicts. On American soil, its most glorious day in the sun has been perhaps Waco. And we all know how well that turned out.
The gun culture is right about one thing, however. Hitler really did enact a new gun law. But it was in 1938, not 1935 – well after the NAZIs already had the country in its iron grip. Furthermore, the new law in many ways LOOSENED gun restrictions. For example, it greatly expanded the numbers who were exempt, it lowered the legal age of possession from 20 to 18, and it completely lifted restriction on all guns except handguns, as well as on ammunition.
Given all of this, it’s pretty hard to make a case that “gun control” played a significant role in NAZI conquest. In fact, one might well say that when gun addicts brandish Hitler as a weapon, they are unwittingly arguing against their own cause.
* * *
I like the Propaganda Professor's Mission Statement:
The Propaganda Professor is dedicated to studying the glorious efforts of those who work so hard to do your thinking for you. We offer solid fact without becoming pedantic, and personality without relying on opinion. The purpose of this blog is not to persuade anyone of anything; the Propaganda Professor is well aware that when people decide to believe something, all the facts in the universe will not alter their convictions. The purpose here is to provide information and thoughtful analysis for anyone who is interested in seeking the truth — not to provide reinforcement for beliefs.Wednesday, January 9, 2013
For All Proud Liberals To Savor
"...What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label, "Liberal"? If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of 'Liberal.'
if by a 'Liberal,' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind,
someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who
cares about the welfare of the people - their health, their housing,
their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties
- someone who believes that we can break through the stalemate and
suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they
mean by a 'Liberal,' then I'm proud to say that I'm a 'Liberal.'
paragraphs are from John F. Kennedy's speech on 9/14/60 accepting a
second nomination in his Presidential campaign, from the New York
Liberal Party. (For the full text, see http://bit.ly/88tcP5 ) [From Being Liberal's Facebook Page. Thanks for allowing me to share liberally!]
These paragraphs are from John F. Kennedy's speech on 9/14/60 accepting a second nomination in his Presidential campaign, from the New York Liberal Party. (For the full text, see http://bit.ly/88tcP5 ) [From Being Liberal's Facebook Page. Thanks for allowing me to share liberally!]
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Government Spending: A Reality Check
Sometimes it just takes good graphics. I knew the Republicans were responsible for the crazy spending sprees. I know the Obama administration has the lowest rate of spending growth in a mighty long time. But, again—sometimes it just takes good graphics to see where the "blame" lies and the weight of it. This Forbes chart should be featured on every news source in the United States of America, and widely circulated on social media. Ohhhhhh Mitch!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
And more women in America might also accumulate wealth.
(Image from Free Your Mind and Think via Being Liberal and Andy Schaeffer/Facebook)Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Say a Prayer for Hillary
a child, Hillary Clinton wrote to NASA inquiring on how to become an
astronaut - NASA replied saying girls could not be astronauts. "
(From the General Knowledge page via The Pragmatic Progressive/Facebook.)
She needs us now. And we need surely need her!
(From the General Knowledge page via The Pragmatic Progressive/Facebook.)
This amazing woman has served her Country—actively served us—for decades now. It was destiny that NASA's policy wouldn't allow her to go to the Moon; we needed her here.
We've watched her stumble and fall and get up and go full speed again and again. We seen her working her heart out in every job she has taken on. We've watched her grow up and mature in the fullness of time; we've watched her experience humiliation while the world looked on; we've seen her elegant grace under pressure many times. As Secretary of State, she has reflected favorably on the man who defeated her in the Presidential election and "done us proud" all over the world. We've seen her succeed through unbelievably hard work, keen intellect and through the determination of that little girl who wrote a letter to NASA. Yep, there's a "Comeback Kid?"and it's Hillary Rodham Clinton.
May she heal and come back soon. May we give back a small fraction of what she has given us: Let's see her coming back in her full vitality, see her smile, hear her laughing again. Let's say a prayer, light a candle, visualize her perfect health and well being. Let's give her our best support.
She needs us now. And we need surely need her!
First Gun Post of 2013
(from Liberal and Proud of It/FB)
Okay, I promise not to become fanatical, a zealot. No, I am not already there.
But I couldn't resist this take on the subject from the late Molly Ivins, one of my most-admired journalist-humorists. How I miss her! She left some Texas-sized shoes to be filled; wish I could wear 'em, but I'm not in her league. She continues to inspire me though; I couldn't live and breathe politics as I do without a sense of humor to offset the hell of it.
Happy New Year, Liberal friends—and rational Republicans, too. May Congress embark on their new session with determination to get things done, despite the obstructionist Tea Partiers and other Repubs who are frightened out of their wits about primary opposition if they should compromise on ANYthing. At least some of the Tea Party naysayers were defeated in November.
Keep the faith and carry on—remembering that you are my sunshine!
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