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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Don't Buy a Pig or a Policy in a Poke!

These words in a message from my friend Paul might be helpful to any still- undecided voters visiting Lucy today.   Paul's a smart guy; when he speaks, I pay attention.


Ever since I voted for Richard Nixon in 1968 because he had a plan “to get us out of Vietnam”— only to later see that part of his secret plan was to draft me—I have had no confidence in a candidate who says he (or she) has a plan but cannot or will not give specifics.  If you happen to see any of the Republican’s plans that give creditable specifics for improving the economy and creating jobs, ending the war in Afghanistan, improving public education, shoring up Medicare and Social Security, or reducing the deficit, please let me know; I have yet to hear or see anything from them except undocumented promises.  To these I no longer give any credence, based on past Republican performance, or lack thereof.  

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