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Sunday, October 21, 2012

68 Nobel Scientists Endorse President Obama

The GOP base and Congressional Republicans deny the critical climate science that shows our planet rapidly warming; despite the icecaps melting, they proclaim climate change a "hoax."  They deny evolution in favor of the creationism mythology and would throw unused embryonic stem cells in the trash instead of using them in the service of researching diseases such as cancer, MS, Parkinsons and many others.   While the Nobel scientists' endorsement isn't surprising, it is meaningful.  I think it speaks volumes and draws a stark contrast between the candidates.   Here's the announcement:

The Center for American Progress Action Fund today received an open letter co-signed by 68 Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry, and medicine. The letter strongly endorses President Barack Obama’s science policies. “America’s economic future,” the letter begins, “depends on our ability to continue America’s proud legacy of discovery and invention.”

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