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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time to DO Something!

I'm about to write letters to editors in the swing states—letters for our President and Dems in key Congressional races like MA, VA, MO, WI and OH (Sen. Sherrod Brown). 


We're nearing the end of this long slog.  Early voting has begun in a number of states!   Time to get it in gear for positive outcomes November 6, right?   Let's make a pact to do at least one thing a day to offset the voter suppression, Super Pac cash, and the hateful lies appearing in swing-state mailboxes, courtesy of the Romney campaign or Romney supporters.  Provided the nasty accusations don't stick and voter turnout goes against Republican hopes, Obama will prevail. In that happy scenario we'll have a good laugh and continue celebrating November 7.  (The hate and lies will simply turn into gifts for comedians:  The President with a bone in his nose, ha ha!  President Obama driving a train dressed like a Communist dictator, LOL. )   But the combination of the accelerating hate, the blatant racism, the Super Pac money and the voter suppression will impact the current favorable polls.  It's far from a "win" at this point.  So, if you live in a hopelessly red state, consider volunteering in the nearest swing state for a few days or longer if you're free to do that.  Campaigns often are able to provide housing.    Call or e-mail friends in states that have the greatest electoral impact.  By now we can talk easily about the President's accomplishments and how screwed we'll be if Romney wins:  The environment, the economy, health care, women's health and reproductive choices, national security, Wall Street, student loans . . . .


Choose to volunteer.  Canvass or phone bank.   Work at the polls on election day.  Help get out the vote.   Give rides to the polls.  Help someone get an absentee ballot this week.   Urge like-minded friends to vote early wherever that's happening.  Call Democratic headquarters or Obama headquarters to learn how you can help.  Or you could sign up with MoveOn to make phone calls from home.  There are many available volunteer jobs.  (This is beginning to sound familiar.  I must have posted similar suggestions earlier.)  So, I'll stop writing here and get going on those letters to editors.  


 I'm glad we're all in this together.   I'm comforted by that.




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