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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Essay on Encouraging Students to Vote

An excellent essay from Inside Higher Ed is one not only for college administrators but for activists who want to see a high voter turnout November 6.  Understanding that every vote CAN make a difference is critical to motivating every voter,  especially those affected by the  unconscionable "voter ID" laws—a solution looking for a problem.  Those most affected by these laws (intended to disenfranchise massive numbers of voters who traditionally vote for Democrats) are the elderly, minorities and students.  

Let's encourage students we know to get the ID they need (school ID must have an expiration date in some places) and to get absentee ballots if they aren't able to get to their home precincts to cast their critical vote.  Let's tell them their vote DOES matter.  Considering reading this essay and identifying some times in history when a small number of votes have made the difference.   This comprehensive piece is a great starting place for any activist working to turn out the vote—and for anyone who needs to be inspired toward that goal!

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