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Friday, August 7, 2015

Planned Parenthood

Here's a good presentation on why every person should support Planned Parenthood.  We need to be able to defend this long-time provider of women's health services.  Yep, including terminating pregnancies (aka "abortion").   We all  know (well all Lefties, I'd guess) that Federal funds are prohibited by law from being used for abortion procedures.  That includes those performed (legally, I hasten to add; it's legal!) under the auspices of Planned Parenthood. 

Yes, the video of the lunch conversation was "distrubing" to me, as it was to Hillary Clinton.   The tone of those captured in the video was casual, cavalier...hard.  And hard to hear.  But a crass and misleading video does not mean Planned Parenthood is or has ever "sold baby body parts."  Nor have they profited from any transactions involving fetal tissue.  A nonprofit organization must meet expenses just like a for-profit business.  And from all I've read and heard, fetal tissue is needed for research studies, efforts to eradicate diseases in this country and around the world.  Fetal tissue is is provided to such researchers with the permission of women whose pregnancies have been terminated.  It's an option they are offered.  A choice.  Cecile Richards—where the buck stops at Planned Parenthood—has assured us that fees collected for fetal tissue are for covering expenses.  Surely Republican  business whizzes would understand meeting expenses.  That is, if playing dumb weren't paying off politically.   Have a look at this.

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