Image from Being Liberal fan page/Facebook
WELCOME! Good to have you here.
You have power. Use it wisely. Make it matter.
At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.
Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
NRA Logic
Blue Nation Review/posted on Facebook
Of course both propaganda campaigns are all about money. Period. The NRA represents gun manufacturers and sellers, not individual gun owners. The well-being of individuals and our society as a whole are not a concern for the NRA, just as it was and is the case with the tobacco industry. The NRA simply sticks with their absurd talking points, insulting the intelligence of Americans who pay attention and think.
How many will be killed by gun violence or "accidents" that turn children into corpses before enough Americans are moved to action? Enough to take away the influence of the NRA in pubic policy, in our lives. Have we really become so self-involved that we only care if we or someone we love are directly affected? Dear God I hope not! What to do? Join Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Donate. Thank owner/managers of establishments that post "No guns allowed" signs. Ask businesses that don't post whether they allow firearms and, if they don't, why not post a sign? Ask questions, wait for answers. Volunteer to get them a sign and contact the Moms organization.
And, not least: Always call out anyone who uses NRA "logic." Gun sense must prevail. And soon.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Pesky Facts!
Am I the only one out here who's sick and tired of the President's low "performance ratings?" Seriously, I don't agree with everything he does or says, but— given what I imagine will be seen as unprecedented challenges he has been, and is, facing—he's doing a remarkable job overall.
Former diplomats who served under Republican administrations, and others who are more in the know than you or I, have said that the President is absolutely correct in taking actions or not taking actions in various conflicts in our world. That he is doing the right thing in deliberating and exploring all the consequences of action. Isn't that what we want? A president who thinks before acting? Who gets every bit of information he can get before making his well-informed decision. I'm glad he isn't repeating the cowboy, kneejerk, ego-driven choices of the former administration.
So, the "optics" of fundraising speeches during turbulent times in the world don't suit some Americans, especially the right-wing media. Even I think it might have been better to postpone some of those events until August. If I were advising the President, that would have been my advice. But I don't think for one second that our leader is "disengaged" or has "forgotten" he is Commander-in-Chief. With today's technology, and Air Force One surely equipped with the best of the best, he can command whatever requires commanding from anywhere! And still appear for an hour at a fundraising dinner. His "people" are keeping up with everything that's going on in the world, every minute, and he will be briefed. He will be interrupted if need be.
If the President had visited the Border on one of his trips (which he was criticized for not doing), do you know what it would have been called? "An inappropriate photo op"... don't you just know it would?
I'm glad to pass along this recap of changes in the economy during the Obama presidency. Not too shabby. Good to have the numbers for the next time Cousin Jimmy Joe wants to engage in a Presidential putdown.
And one more thing: Hail to to the Chief!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Thanks once again, Stephen.
(from Our Time/Facebook)
South Carolina bears the shame of an inept Governor Haley, Congressman Joe Wilson's taking rudeness and disrespect to the lowest level ever with his "You lie!"during President Obama's State of the Union, Mark Sanford's irresponsible antics, and of course there's Jim DeMint. I know you could add to the list.
When I get discouraged almost beyond hope, I pause and feel grateful for two South Carolina native sons. We could also add to this list. I'm thinking this morning about Stephen Colbert. He understands and practices more of what Jesus taught than many self-proclaimed Christians who live contrary to his teachings and practice hypocrisy on a regular basis. Stephen even teaches Sunday School, y'all.
And the other son of the Palmetto State for whom I give thanks is Congressman Jim Clyburn. We have reasons to be proud of who he is and what he does in his leadership role in the House.
May they both live long and prosper—and keep on doing what they do so very well.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Gotta Watch 'Em
(from Liberals on Parade/Facebook)
Gotta watch them Liberials! But seriously, next time you hear about the Prez or "Liberials" taking someone's "freedom and liberty," have some fun with two questions: What's the difference between freedom and liberty? and What freedoms, specifically, have you lost in the past six and a half years? Sit back and take notes. Or just sit back and enjoy the silence!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy 4th from the Palmetto State
Thanks to Robert Arial (cartoonist/humorist extraordinaire) for sharing this on Facebook.
Note from Lucy Left: I was a blue dot in this red state even before it WAS a red state. On this Independence Day I fervently believe we will see South Carolina turn as blue as our flag. The sooner the better! YES WE CAN!
Happy 4th...Declare Your Independence!
HAPPY JULY 4TH! Declare your independence from gun violence - 86 Americans are shot and killed in our country every single day. Help protect America's future - SHARE THIS and PLEDGE to be a gun sense voter: http://gunsensevoter.org/
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The 4th from a Friend's Perspective
I'm privileged to live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave." I treasure the freedom to express myself. My freedom of and from religion. And I treasure the brave ones who have defended all our freedoms. While thinking about the 4th, I read a newsletter written by a friend and Executive Director of a shelter for homeless families in Columbia, South Carolina. Therein was some 4th of July food for thought which I'll share:
Freedom and Independence are not available to everyone.
While most of us will be celebrating the birth of our nation and the inherent freedoms that come with living in the United States, there are many among us who are not truly free to enjoy the American dream.
Homeless parents and children live a life of uncertainty and hardship. Most are not homeless for many of the perceived and socially believed norms. Our residents at Family Shelter are brave and courageous. The parents are working hard to move toward a life of independence despite lack of resources, lack of support systems and constant hurdles and obstacles. The children often maintain their youthful and lively spirit, work hard in school and keep their chin up despite family instability.
Family Shelter supports homeless families by providing a safe and stable living environment, daily living supplies, 3 meals/day, a variety of support services, education and enrichment programs, a dedicated and caring staff, and some fun and recreation thrown in as much as we can.
As you and your family celebrate the birth of our nation, please take a moment and remember the homeless families who are working hard to regain independence. Parents and children who have endured sometimes unspeakable life situations but show the resilience to keep moving forward, at whatever pace they are able to.
So far in 2014, 59% of our families moved into stable housing when they left our program. I invite you to promote freedom and independence for some of the most vulnerable in our community by helping us continue our support of the homeless families we serve.
Best wishes for a safe and fun holiday.
Note from Lucy: Family Shelter can be found on Facebook. If you happen to live in or near Columbia, SC, you might want to relive the magic of Peter Pan later this month. Tickets are available online for the July 17 performance to benefit the Shelter at www.columbiafamilyshelter.org . (If you can't make it to the show, they'd welcome your support through a monetary donation or gift from their wish list.)
I had the honor of serving as a volunteer at this shelter (caring for the children during the weekly adult residents' meetings) and later served on the Board. It was wonderful talking with some of the residents and hearing their stories—which, by the way, go against many of the myths and assumptions about homelessness. (I once heard a state senator say "Homeless children don't go to school." WRONG!)
As we celebrate this day, let's join Rebecca in understanding that some of us are able to enjoy greater freedom and independence than others.
Happy Birthday, America!
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