WELCOME! Good to have you here.
You have power. Use it wisely. Make it matter.
At Lucy Left you're encouraged to leave comments, keeping this request in mind: Say what you mean and mean what you say, just don't say it mean. Lucy's not a fan of vitriol. This is a place to find information and opinion, a place to have a laugh now and then and to feel less alone in the political madness.
Be well, speak up for what is right and true (even if your voice shakes), and come back soon!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Relating to Yesterday's Post
(posted on Facebook)
All this physical violence and then the emotional violence to every person who walks into a women's clinic...whether for an abortion or a pap smear or counseling. People with violence on their minds now can get closer to their targets, thanks to the Supreme Court. It's beyond belief. Mercy.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Remember This Date
Today's Supreme Court ruling is significant, and I'm grateful to Planned Parenthood and other groups defending women's right to health care.
(Planned Parenthood Action/Facebook)
Can you IMAGINE making the heart-crushing decision to terminate a pregnancy? It's not the casual decision many right wingers make it out to be. You've thought about it, talked it over with a trusted person and possibly your Higher Power. You've lost sleep. But you know it's the right decision at this time. So, you arrive at the Clinic in time for your procedure. THEN you must pass through a gauntlet of people who likely never have faced, nor will face, dealing with the hard decision you have made. They are taunting you, shoving gory pictures in your face and waving signs saying you're a murderer.
This is not "education." This is not "God's will." This is engaging in over-the-top cruelty and an effort to control. They won't give a rat's ass about any child a fetus grows into—unless it's their own; they will complain about the "lazy mother" getting any governmental assistance when she loses her job after being out for the birth. Nor will they want to help her other 2 or 3 children in any way. They just want to be sure the fetus is born...and then they have nothing further to say.
Let's stand with Planned Parenthood and fight like we've never fought before. We were ashamed that torture was used against our "enemies" during a recent war. What the Supreme Court did today is sanction torturing American citizens...women exercising their legal right to privacy and health care. SHAME ON EVERY JUSTICE WHO VOTED IN FAVOR OF THIS TODAY. We shall overcome!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
A Sunday Buffet
(Blue Nation in Review/Facebook)
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In the 3 minutes I watched "Meet the Press" this morning Rand Paul (on the subject of immigration reform) talked about children being "dumped" on our side of the border. Dumped. He used that word twice. Turned my stomach, his total lack of compassion. These children weren't DUMPED, they walked unbelievable distances and took horrifying risks to get to what they or their parents or guardians believed would be a safer place for them. These children are not garbage, and they were not dumped, Rand Paul.
There's an empathy deficiency in the Republican Party. An epidemic, in fact, with no cure in sight.
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Today's TV air is flooded with Koch Industries ads that look something like a career day promo. Seriously, it sounds as if all we need to do is pick up the phone and ask for a job. That is, after we say "thank you" to the Kochs for all the "good food, clothes, technology..." they provide for us all. Please spare me. Although not sure which is more misleading, I'd almost rather see the creepy Uncle Sam-in-the-examining-room ads they supported in an effort to ensure failure of the Affordable Care Act. Didn't scare too many people away, did it?
Does the Koch Industries ad get your goat or is it just me?
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I'm still furious with the people who got us into Iraq over a decade ago, caused us to invade and occupy another country that—at the time—had no "weapons of mass destruction" or plans to harm Americans. Terrorists? The media (not just Fox) is still inviting these people to opine on the current situation in Iraq. I feel as if my head will explode when I see the people who duped us into the invasion called in as "experts" on Iraq. Paul Bremer? His ineptitude while in Iraq is widely known; he made things far worse! And we're supposed to listen to him? Please.
Before the invasion I made a sign on bright yellow poster board and joined a protest march to the State House in Columbia, SC. I felt strongly that if we invaded Iraq and killed innocent civilians—not to mention our own military—WE would be terrorists, certainly in the eyes of the Iraqis. And next day I was quoted as saying that in the largest daily newspaper in the state.
As I drive between my Lowcountry home and the South Carolina Midlands, I pass a federal penitentiary. As I approach it, I say a prayer for those incarcerated and those who work there. Then I cap off the ritual with a shout from the car window: "Save room for Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and all the people who got us into Iraq!" I doubt they'll ever need a cell there, but it's deeply satisfying to say those words out loud. I haven't varied the message or missed an opportunity to do this, going or coming, for nearly nine years—even when a puzzled passenger was with me!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
A BIG Mess
Talk about hubris, crazy, no shame—the Cheneys and other neocons who got us into Iraq under false pretenses. Slamming the President (the smart one who cares about humanity more than amassing a personal fortune) at every turn. It's almost beyond belief. Is your jaw dragging the floor? Mine is!
This is from Liberals Unite/Facebook and at least brought on a smile before I got angry all over again!
You've been doing a whole lot of that, Mr. President!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
What Stops a "Bad Guy"
Now THIS is gun sense—countering the NRA's sales pitch to generate big profits for the gun industry (manufacturers and dealers). The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Moms Demand Gun Sense in America, Every town, Gabby Giffords, the Brady Campaign, and other gun safety groups represent the interests of ALL Americans, including you truly responsible gun owners.
From the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence:
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Today's News from Iraq
Give us a break, Senator McCain. Did you believe for one minute the Iraqis wouldn't fight among themselves again? Of course you didn't. Neither did I.
Tribal cultures have always fought and always will. Sad that it's happening again now (and sad for those who are having to flee their homeland). Still, that's what sensible humans sought to convince the Bush administration (Cheney, Wolfowitz, et. al.) of before the invasion. We'd be "greeted as liberators." Nobody I know believed that.
(Living Blue in a Red State/Facebook
Our military fought honorably—with far too many courageous Americans killed or seriously injured during multiple deployments. They worked hard at rebuilding Iraq and trained the Iraqi forces, police, and others. They did all they could do, gave it their best, and we should be forever grateful.
I'm glad this President is a wise and thoughtful leader who's plugged in to reality; thus, he's unlikely to send troops back there. Even though some in Congress would be fine with having men and women they will never meet fighting new wars on a regular basis.
Hold steady, President Obama. Hold steady. I trust that you will.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Gun Safety? When?
To see a map of school shootings since Sandy Hook: http://www.vox.com/2014/6/10/5797306/map-school-shooting-sandy-hook It's "everything you need to know in 2 minutes."
(via John Safran - Facebook) "Bodyguard Blanket the latest bulletproof product to protect US students during school shootings." http://bit.ly/1xBGJpt
Does this photo make you queasy, make your stomach clutch? Doubtful the framers of the Constitution were thinking of THIS when they wrote the second amendment. Mercy.
How many times have I urged Lefty friends to join Moms Demand Gun Sense in America? Hope you have done that. Another thing that would be helpful at this unhappy juncture in our gun-crazed corner of the world is this: Contact Senate Majority Harry Reid (leave a voice mail, fax a note, or speak to a staffer. Have your message ready if you're doing the phone thing.) Ask him to bring background check legislation back to the Senate floor this year. Also contact your Senators and Reps in DC.
Senator Reid's office: (Phone) 202-224-3542 (Fax) 202-224-7327
I was once told by a member of Congress that faxing a letter is probably the best way to get your views on issues seen.
Hagel and Cantor in the Spotlight
I'm watching a well-prepared Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel make an opening statement in the hearing on the exchange for American prisoner of war, Bowe Bergdahl. Hagel's delivery— of what I'm hearing as a substantive and convincing statement to the House Armed Services Committee— is impressive.
Last night's Primaries turned out pretty much as expected—with one exception. That exception was House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's stunning loss to Tea Party candidate David Brat. Brat is an economics professor at Randolph Macon. The kicker is that Cantor spent more on steak dinners (millions on all phases of the campaign) than Brat spent on his entire campaign. Cantor outspent Brat 26-1. Over $5 million! Apparently Bratt had far more door-to-door "retail politics" going on than Cantor. It's good to know the person to person thing isn't down the tubes. (We Dems know how to do that!) Cantor's internal polling had him winning by double digits.
Here's what stunned me this morning was Brat's response to Chuck Todd's simple question this morning: "Are you in favor of a minimum wage?" Brat said, "I don't have a well-crafted response to that." A well-crafted response? Really? How about an opinion? That seemed to be a yes or no question. Geeez.
Brat will face Democrat Jack Trammel (also a professor at Randolph Macon) in November. Get out your walking shoes, VA Dems; get out your checkbook, DNC!
Monday, June 9, 2014
From the Republican "Playbook"
(Living Blue in South Carolina/Facebook)
Do Americans who aren't political geeks have a clue that this charade of demanding more information/intelligence on a subject— while skipping briefings or hearings on said subject — is a Republican ploy that continues to fool many people. That's accomplished with the help of Fox "News" and right-wing radio.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
VOTE! Primaries Matter
(from Living Blue in NC/Facebook)
Glad to be a hopeful Liberal voting in South Carolina's DEMOCRATIC Primary Tuesday, June 10.
Friday, June 6, 2014
"...the facts are catching up."
(via League of Conservation Voters/Facebook)
Polluters and their allies in Congress are spreading LIES about the EPA’s new plan to #ActOnClimate by cutting carbon pollution. That’s why U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren went to the Senate floor to set the record straight and outline some of the public health and environmental benefits. Check it out: http://bit.ly/1o68LVA
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Real Gun Found in Toy Aisle
This happened at a Target store in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Target: Way Off the Mark
Who wants to shop Target and feel like they, or their children, might become a target? If you agree, let them know. Contact options are listed after the photo. I won't be shopping there!
is a central part of the lives of American moms, and we expect to feel
safe and secure when we wheel our kids around in the store's red
shopping carts. We support the Second Amendment, but people walking
through the aisles flaunting their loaded weapons – which has been
happening in stores across the country – is unacceptable. Many states
allow open carry without a background
check, license or training, so it’s up to companies to protect their
customers when the law won’t. Which is why we’re asking one of the
country’s largest retailers, a store that American moms flock to, to
follow the lead of Chipotle and Starbucks and put policies in place NOW
to keep our families safe.
Please use the information below to make your voices heard TODAY:
PETITION: http://every.tw/offtarget
TWITTER: @Target #OffTarget
PHONE: 612-304-6073; press 1 for guest relations
EMAIL: http://tinyurl.com/kd49bte
FAST TWEET: http:// momsdemandaction.org/ offtarget/
PETITION: http://every.tw/offtarget
TWITTER: @Target #OffTarget
PHONE: 612-304-6073; press 1 for guest relations
EMAIL: http://tinyurl.com/kd49bte
FAST TWEET: http://
AND please join Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America if you aren't already a member.
Monday, June 2, 2014
What Title Would You Give It?
(Facebook/Earl Barber)
If you were compiling a book filled with Bachmann's off-base takes on U.S. history (to be found in the Humor section at Barnes and Noble), what title would you give it? Let's have some fun: How about leaving your title in a comment?! I'm thinking "Nitwiticissms". . . . Come on, all you intellectual, book readin', latte drinkin' liberals...name your book.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Off the Wagon
Confession: I just fell off the "Sunday morning network political shows" wagon. (Note: I never pledged to stop watching Steve Kornachi, Melissa Harris Perry, or "Reliable Sources.") Clicked over to "This Week" on ABC, catching most of an interview with prepared, poised and articulate National Security Adviser, Susan Rice. She made a compelling case for the President's decisions around the release of the last remaining POW captured during the Afghan war. She was followed by Senator Ted Cruz. Why is it so hard for me to believe that he's a "U. S. senator?" Maybe the same reason I'm incredulous that anyone can listen to what he says without erupting in chants of b.s., b.s., b.s. (When voters in the Lone Star State wise up and vote him out, he could do well as an acting coach.)
He's so blatantly full of it. Cruz said a woman came up to him at an event and "hugged my neck." He said the woman has six children; her husband left her and she works five jobs.... Hmmmmm. I'd like to meet that woman. If you know her, please ask her to get in touch. Seriously, he talked about the woman's plight with perfect "I feel your pain" expressions and tones generally associated with funeral directors. And don't you know Cruz has cast votes that contributed to her problems? Or, more significantly, to the financial hardships impacting real men, women and children.
Mostly Cruz slammed the President on the release of five Taliban members detained at GITMO in exchange for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (the American POW referenced in Susan Rice's comments) held for the past five years during the Afghanistan war. Despite repeated questions, the senator never said how he would have secured the American prisoner's release. How he would have done it any differently. He "danced the little sidestep" all around it. Not one truly constructive insight or remark during his air time. Only b.s. served up with carefully crafted, soft-spoken drama.
When speculation about the 2016 election gets around to Ted Cruz, people tend to be dismissive. Big mistake. I believe his acting and public speaking skills will appeal to low-information voters who won't fact-check what he has to say. And you know there are far too many low-info voters and too many who respond manically to buzz words like "patriot" "freedom," "second amendment rights" and "founding fathers." Cruz and other Teapublicans fill their rhetoric with these words. Of course the big applause-getter is any reference to "taking our country back."
Thoughts of how our country would be if the likes of a Ted Cruz were to become its leader is the stuff nightmares are made of. It's up to us to wake up and get busy now. That we could lose the White House to a Republican/Teapublican is unthinkable. And we must keep the Senate majority. We need to win majority in the House, too. I know: This is what dreams are made of. But sometimes dreams come true, especially if they're fueled with passion and hard work. We can do it. We must.
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